Mama Dog And Litter Of Puppies Found Alone In The Jungle | The Dodo

Mama Dog And Litter Of Puppies Found Alone In The Jungle | The Dodo
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The puppies had to be rescued before their mom– wait until you see their reunion 💕

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  1. I think they were taken separately because the pups needed care asap. If mom was taken with pups, no one knows what her temperament would have been like while treating them. So I think I understand why she did what she did.

  2. All puppies have worms! They wouldn't have died! Thats just a lame excuse for leaving mama behind or plain ignorance, no instinct!! You can be ignorant, but you got to have some common sense and intuition!! 🤦‍♀️

  3. I just want to discuss this matter and I don’t knwo where so I chose dodo. Since there are going to be mass deportations in US are you guys aware there will be lots of abandoned pets, too? Please be prepared

  4. Why would you only take the babies and leave the Mum?? She must have been absolutely heartbroken. I'm so confused. It's nice they were all saved but the way you did it is questionable.🤔

  5. Don't ever leave the mamaa separate from puppies ..the way she was running behind the car…that was cruel…you could always take the mamma together with puppies at the same moment would have easily climbed in car wanting to be together with her puppiee

  6. You’re lucky that their mother was there the following day and that nothing had happened to her in the meantime. Otherwise, you would’ve looked very cruel for separating the puppies from their mama.

  7. I agree that it was very very cruel to leave the mama behind until the next day. She should have gone with you and her babies in the car. What were you thinking? There is no excuse NONE whatsoever. I cannot watch the video again because it is too heartbreaking due to your actions. PLEASE don't do something so horrific ever again

  8. NEVER leave momma dog ever behind I do not agree with that all!!! Thank God she was there the next day!! This was cruel and thoughtless and horrible! It must have been tormenting for mommy and confusing to be left behind while her puppies are taken!! Grateful for you rescuing them but its mind boggling you would do that and it makes me wonder about your state of mind. We need updates where is mommy and her puppies we nees video to see they are safe.

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