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#FailArmy #Fails
Dirk was a winner
Most of these are stupid or painful, not funny. The whole video is a fail.
"Can I make a reaction video to your video?"
That was not a good idea… 0:48
These videos are great for my self esteem knowing that I did not do any of these fails
kind of sad we live in a time where we laugh at other people getting hurt
7:58 WOKE CAT!
Too many just super stupid scenes. It‘s a wonder that no more people die or have broken bones doing such crazy stuff w/o brain.
Pretty pathetic what you show
8:00 someones been looting…
Trivia: Camera guy looked under the car to notice a giant hole through which you can see a spinning crankshaft. (CarHax info)
2:22 and 5:12 had me rolling . Those were self inflicted 😂😂😂
5:28 funniest vids ever!!!
Those idiotic winter cyclists are a menace to everyone.
1:20 was that Steve "Gamers Nexus" Burke ?
These are great 'cos you know they're mostly Trump supporters!
Lol laugh all of them
1:07 american trash 1 and 1:58 american trash 2.
That first fail was like a modern day snowboarding trick that gets you a silver medal
I want to be president so I can remove all taxes and instead mandate that everyone install porch cams and mail clips to a central location whenever they slip and fall down the stairs. Vote for me!
Can not stop laughing 🤣
You are showing more and more videos in which people seriously hurt themselves or suffer serious harm. These are not fails, these are accidents and they are not funny at all. And then you wonder why people are becoming more and more crude and prefer to take out their cell phones and film instead of helping.
If you take out all the sports, FA doesn't really have any good fails anymore. They're all on Unusual Videos or some other meme channel. FA is basically a sports channel at this point.
I love when people are laughing because they're yet to realize their mate just became sterile
The fail at 8:00 isn't the cat, it's the moron with a billion pairs of shoes and only two feet… he even has posters of shoes… like my dude, they're just foot condoms, calm down.
4:30 Not Funny! Fck! I don't want such friends..
It’s apparent the people or person putting these videos together doesn’t know the difference between a fail and an accident and yes there is a big difference.
that was one cremated turkey 🦃
@3:01 Obesity takes the place of ice 🙄
2:14 that dumb broad though they woulda caught her if they stayed and tried😅😂