I Died And Was Shown Eternity; Here’s What I Saw (NDE)

I Died And Was Shown Eternity; Here’s What I Saw (NDE)
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⭐ Today’s NDE afterlife experience is from Bubba Herrick. After he was given anesthesia for surgery Bubba unexpectedly left his body and watched hovering over the scene as his body flatlined. He then was shown his life review that gave him profound insight into his past experiences. After observing how he felt about his life overall he felt a lot of regret for never having truly lived. Someone close to him who had passed away two years prior came to give him a choice, to stay in heaven or return to his body. This experience completely changed Bubba’s perspective on life and death in a powerful way.

Check Out More Of Bubba’s NDE Near Death Experience on his YouTube Channel 👉 https://youtube.com/@therealbubbaherrick?si=6yTJpRTa9U0RbPQF

Bubba’s Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/therealbubbaherrick/

#neardeathexperience #neardeathexperiences #nde

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🎵BACKGROUND MUSIC licensed through AudioJungle & Epidemic Sound

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Disclaimer: This video is taken from an interview by us and our channel, not taken from another channel, and it is all original content.


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About the Author: The Other Side NDE


  1. Don't believe this one bit! He said we chose to come back or to be here. My life is absolutely hell! Why would I want to be born in the first place if I knew my life would be miserable/hell. Dosent make sense. If I really knew I would never have wanted to be born on this hell hole prison planet!

  2. The muffled "otherworldly" sounds that are clearly unnecessary and not part of his recollection make this unwatchable. It's the editing of the maker of this video ruining his recollection. It's annoying. Unless you desist with this unnecessary layer of "drama" I Will no longer watch vids of this type from this interviewer. And must desist from this one. The subject matter is interesting enough without your editorial exaggeration … PLEASE stop.

  3. Remember to question your nde and ask yourself was this of god or not. Remember satan can be as an angel of light and hes the ultimate counterfeiter. Make sure your soul has been saved by the one and only jesus christ.
    There are many other nde were satan was caught in the act with putting on a fake glorified after life just to deceive you to think everything will be fine, but in reality you end up separated from god. Im here to tell you that you must lay down your whole self with repentance to Jesus. Jesus is the only way to the father which is god and the real heaven. Dont be fooled!!

  4. Enjoyed your story but the one thing that concerns me is that you didn’t mention Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life. Without Him, you are missing the most important purpose of this life. If you accept Him as your Lord and Savior he will show you His purpose for your life and guarantee that your final destination after this life is heaven. Blessings

  5. Funny I've always wondered why me! I'm just an ordinary working class man from a working class family, I'm a ex soldier, a husband of 24 yrs and a father of 4 kids!

    I've never really opened up before, however my first realisation of spirituality awareness was around 2 yrs old!

    From then to around my mid twenties I always had such realistic dreams, that I felt sure that the experiences were more than dreams, it was more like living a duel existence! All my dreams the communications were telepathic, not verbal, and in a nutshell I have a very good memory and started putting information I was given all cryptic mind you together to eventually the penny dropped and I feel I have figured out who I was, before I was born into this life on the 10th January 1971! However it's a long complicated journey and story!

    Around 25 I was at the beach one day, and I thought I was going mad, however I started seeing only what I can explain as tadpoles of white light or energy swirling around the sky, which now I embrace, but I can not see further than what I can only describe as a energy field all around! I often joke to myself that this is what George Lucas saw and came up with the idea of the Force!

    At some point towards the end of my twenties I have had both a obe and a nde, which are both to long and complicated for this comment!

    My dreams are more real now than ever, but I don't think for me you can label what I experience when my biological body goes into sleep mode as dreams, more out of body travelling, more meetings with other beings in other worlds or dimensions than anything else!

    So add it all up, I've figured out, who I was in my last biological incarnation before this one, of that you will never convince me otherwise, I can see a energy field all around us, especially on a bright day, or in a white room!

    And every time I go to sleep my dreams are more like out of body experiences and are so realistic it's hard to tell anymore what is real and what is the truth!

    I can only say, I do not profess to be any kind of clairvoyant, I did start talking about it and got ridiculed so I clammed up!

    What I have told you is the absolute truth!

    However why me? I'm just an ordinary ex British Soldier of 5 years and ex carpet fitter of 34 yrs!

    I've never been super religious and have always kept an open objective mind, however this year I promised I was going to embrace it a bit more!

    I hope this has been of some benefit to anyone that has read it, but really it's been, and continues to be a huge responsibility to know that biological life is not the end!

    I don't profess to know what's exactly going on, but I know enough to know something is going on!

    It's a huge topic that can not be adequately expressed on a comments channel!

    But it's a start to share my burdens with like minded people, instead of people who you think are your friends, but when you talk about this subject, are pulling you apart like a pack of hyenas on a antelope!

    I feel better for off loading, but again why me, I am nothing special!

  6. This is a beautiful revelation for anyone who has lost a child. If u have time to read it please do. It's so wonderful. This is an excerpt from a book called the visions of sadhu Singh. He was a Indian Sikh and he was converted into Christianity. He was kicked out of his rich family and slept outside and gave up all his possessions. Mind u this was back when doing this was a very very serious issue. It was absolutely unheard of. He ended up having visions of the lord. This is one of his visions about the death of a child: A little child died of pneumonia, and a party of angels came to conduct his soul to the world of spirits. I wish that his mother could have seen that wonderful sight, then, instead of weeping, she would have sung with joy, for the angels take care of the little ones with a care and a love that no mother ever could show. I heard one of the angels say to another, "See how this child's mother weeps over this short and temporary separation! In a very few years she will be happy again with her child." Then the angels took the child's soul to that beautiful and light-filled part of heaven, which is set apart for children, where they care for them, and teach them in all heavenly wisdom, until gradually the little ones become like the angels.
    After some time this child's mother also died, and her child, who had now become like the angels, came with other angels to welcome the soul of his mother. When he said to her, "Mother, do you not know me? I am your son Theodore," the mother's heart was flooded with joy, and when they embraced one another their tears of joy fell like flowers. It was a touching sight! Then as they walked along together he kept on pointing out, and explaining to her the things around them, and during the time appointed for her stay in the intermediate state, he remained with her, and, when the period necessary for instruction in that world was completed he took her with him to the higher sphere where he himself dwelt.

    There, on all sides, were wonderful and joyous surroundings, and unnumbered souls of men were there, who in the world had borne all kinds of suffering for the sake of Christ, and in the end had been raised to this Glorious place of honour. All around were matchless and exceedingly beautiful mountains, springs & landscapes, & in the gardens was abundance of all kinds of sweet fruits & beautiful flowers. Everything the heart could desire was there. Then he said to his mother, "In the World, which is the dim reflection of this real world, our dear ones are grieving over us, but, tell me, is this death, or the real life for which every heart yearns?" The mother said, "Son. this is the true life. If I had known in the world the whole truth about heaven, I would never have grieved over your death. What a pity it is those in the world are so blind! In spite of the fact that Christ has explained quite clearly about this state of glory, and that the Gospels again and again tell of this eternal kingdom of the Father, yet, not only ignorant people, but many enlightened believers as well, still remain altogether unaware of its glory. May God grant that all may enter into the abiding joy of this place!" / if u want to read the whole book u can find it for free on Google. U just have to find the right website. Just type in read visions of sadhu Singh for free. The site I used was louvre mystiques or something like that. U should see it scrolling down the sites.

  7. All it was, was blackness for me. Felt like forever but was only 5min so I’m told. All I remember is waking up in a hospital room. I see all these videos of people seeing lights and what not. Nope all I seen was black like I was floating through a pitch black room.

  8. You should look up the books of robert monroe at the monroe institute, they will definitely help with you understanding just who and what you are 🙏🏼🙌🏼

  9. One idea that may come to having listened or even experienced such a thing, would be to live your life trying to look back and possibly realize that those you come in contact with always have "a perspective". Even if they aren't aware of them. For example, one thing I've come to understand through the lens of "forgiving", was that for my ex-wife having parents that never really "accepted me", had to be hard on her in some way. I know that I would have carried a heavy load with all that kind of energy around. So…just wanted to chime in with that. Peace! ✌

  10. I can go out of body at will and you can travel the areas that the larger consciousness system has set up for after death. And you can definitely come back and most you probably have several times. You can also choose other learning experiences. Not just limited to this planet or dimension or realm. Whatever you want to call it.

  11. I'm listening to a bunch of these .And I like to hear about the things that they saw and heard and experienced. This NDE didn't really have much of that but what was really profound is his reaction to it. I've never considered that my life might have a purpose Im not aware of yet. Until now.

  12. Bless you for your experience, and your honesty and generosity in sharing your experience! 🙂 What you shared, and your insights, are very comforting, re: the world after death. Thank you so much, and all blessings to you~* ❤

  13. I don’t think that’s your purpose. But that’s ok. I didn’t realize mine until I was 48. Keep living sincerely and openly and if there’s a different purpose it will find you

  14. Ok so biggest question I don't know if it's been addressed here. DMT is massively released at time of death as far as I know. So you would essentially feel the effects of that, so do we know that these are true occurrences that would continue on or is it just due to DMT. What happens after the DMT wears off

  15. I've experienced that feeling he's talking about. It is beyond any loss I've suffered while alive. A profound sense of failure coupled with the searing realization of the happiness you stole from everyone who loved you, leaves a deep void that prevents you from feeling any of the joy on the other side. Just the memory of it is enough to drop me to my knees in pain and anguish.

  16. Sorry, but it sounds like you had a dream while you were under anesthesia. I really don’t think people are playing basketball in heaven.

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