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#FailArmy #Fails
0:04 Peppa Pig in real life:
0:14 i told you not to stand on the table!
this is me every day
Bro probably got smacked with a frying pan by his mum 😂
1:25 ( . Y . ) Bouncing!
What was the laugh 0:12
video vẻy goods
je veux le 👹
Can you come up with some videos where people fall down?
Lard + Gravity/Water =FAIL
5:36 was a tsunami bro
6:09 ah i was wondering what happened to Tom Scott!
To be honest. I don't laugh when people fall. This is a toxic idea.
These are really mid…
Congress is involved
7:09 people run
0:55 Dogs Love Doing This. But Why ? – See ….. @ 6:10 another one
2:38 How many socks are there?
2:24 when was the last time he changed his oil/
They have a choice, be heathy or be famous with a broken spine
Why do people do this🤣🤣
i love these videos because they bring so much nostalgia to me as my introduction to youtube was purely funny videos
3:09 It's been a hard days night and I've been working like a dog
Me and my sister is on the phone and we is laughing at this
Not insane
7:02 is there somebody falling ?
0:34 fit me deaaaaaaaD😂😅
Where the ball go it just vanish 0:59
0:16 are they fine ??
snowboard moments aren't funny, it's jsut normal situation. Are you guys brainless to laugh for that?
3:10 Ok, you got me there. 👌
@4:43 no safety gear. No clue what he's doing. He's lucky to be alive!
I'm pretty sure a lot of those really hurt!
Funny 😄
No one was hurt in the making of this video!
3:09 got me rollin😂😂the way the guitar made a sound💀💀💀
5:23 Everything reminds me of her.
7:00 : Nelson Monfort
yehh MAH 🤗 Stop adding "no one was harmed." Several people were definitely harmed. ❤
There's no guns or knives so no-one was :harmed: but there was a lot of pain.😂😁😅😹
It's amazing how someone falling down stairs never stops not being funny!