Best Scary Fails | Pranks and Close Calls 😱

Best Scary Fails | Pranks and Close Calls 😱
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  1. My friend and I took some qualudes and he worked at an apartment building. He hated this one tenant who always complained about her neighbors every day. She was around 62 and everyone hated her she always yelled to young women, you whores! So one night around 10pm we knocked on her door. We dressed in demon costumes. She answered and we said don't forget the rent(she was always late) Wow she was in shock and screened. We ran downstairs and quickly left. She would tell people And most would laugh.

  2. 11:48 here's a perfect example of a person lacking critical thinking skills. A ghost or the drawer might be too full/heavy thus sliding out; which is the more logical answer?

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