**Only the Best Compilation of the Best epic skiing fails**
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Editing: SkierDan
Please Note: That this video does not Promote or Encourage reckless skiing, but serves as safety video to educate.
If you have clips for the next compilation send to daniel.meece420@gmail.com.
Video Provided by:
The Godfather Colton Hardy @jerryoftheday, travishines1 min 4:52, @tnully min: 3:35, @gtaube min 1:23, @wildwinters69 min 3:17, @woody.ski min 3:28, @jared_kieser min: 2:38, @calvinstoll min: 1:07
3 minute mark Good Loving Grateful Dead!
Jesus Christ Loves you Amen ✝️🙏🙏✝️✝️❤️✝️
I truly can't understand how you can be that pissed skiing. If my board would crack in half I'd still think to myself, I'm on a ski slope, life's great
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.. GG.
2:12 is the worst scorpion I've ever seen. I hope that hurt a lot
I'm singing the Juicy Fruit song in my head while I watch these. 😁
Definitely a number of serious orthopedic injuries.
"So I heard you don'tl ike teeth…"
Wish they did a better job filtering skiers by skill for which trails they could go down, like a swim test
Big dog goin for the rodeo
Stupid !!
Dude at the end is such a man baby.
Bro was jumping cross country, respect lmao
all these dumbass jerries on rentals. at least own your own set of you're trying to do off trail and back country
Some of them must have been fractures
well in my book, just having the balls to go for a double flip is already a win xD
00:36 that was 100% commitment till the bitter end!!
Oh god!😂😂😂😂 That poor kid at 1:15.
0:34 best
LMAO that last dude was so pissed
1:22 u can see the sparks Lol
2:32 "oooh yea this is so nice oooh yea….. OH SHITTTTT OHHH SHITTT!
1:01 Coming in hot!!! LoL
3:54 that is me all the way….. ha ha ha
Guy at the end was great. He was just getting a head start on après.
5:00 😅😅😅😅
Oh yeah, it's so nice!
I almost pissed myself laughing at the last one
4:19 sounds like one of the trailer park boys
Its just a part of snowbording and skiing😂👍🏻
Some of these are legit bails from people others are like, why are you even on skis to begin with.
Is the last one Shane Gillis wtf hahha
Love yer vids
New sub
the one little girl over the ramp😂 her head was farther behind her than her skies
Love how that guy's friends are just calmly amused by his tantrum.
I am fucking crying watching that tantrum clip at the end
2:21 is me riding glades for the first time.
2:53 dude just getting absolutely pummeled by the course 🤣🤣🤣💀
beeing pissed like the last dude, amazing to enjoy the last fall to xD
Every orthopedic doctors dream video.
0:19 kid in the red is at fault
gotta respect the sends,tho
many of them are massive
That’s why you don’t ski under jumps and ramps