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Looks like Dozens Squared system with a slightly different betting system
I do something similar with the six streets. I run a random street generator in Excel. It generates two streets per dozen to allow yourself to randomize and have coverage across dozens. Then it generates one street per dozen not used yet. That gives you the nine streets. I go into the casino with 300 or more of these plays so I just look at the sheet to get the plays. All predetermined and random which is what roulette is supposed to be – random. Random oftentimes beats random.
As for the second system, that is a good one. I will put that through the paces.
Copycat Casino MatchMaker
Hello Roulette master and fans of the RM. I have a system I have been working on and found out after a few tweeks that it is the best system I have ever used.. Im not looking for money or sell you anything I just want to share it with you all. Its super easy to play you dont have a lot to remember so you can have a few cocktails and still play LOL. I call this system 5-5-10 high rollers can play it as multiples up 10-10-20 or as high as you are comfortable low rollers 1-1-2 or 2-2-4 etc you get the idea. Also dont move the streets or 3rd . The spacing of the losing numbers is really good and the set up I suggest is the best after many hundreds of tests. After a year of testing this system lost $ only once. so with out any more talk .. here it is. $5 on the 4-7 double street $5 on the 16-19 double street. and $10 on the 25-36 3rd . this system covers 24 numbers. heres how I play it. Allways stick to these rules do not deveate. To start : win just rebet. lose double the bet. keep doubling until you win and dont reset until you win 2 times in a row. so for example win .. rebet at 5-5-10 loose next bet is 10-10-20 lose next bet is 20-20-40 lose next bet is 40-40-80 win rebet at 40-40-80 win re set to 5-5-10 ( if you lose after 1 win then you must double) so say you lost then lost then won then lost the loss after the win you must double. keep doubling until you win after a win rebet same amount so here is a possibility. win $10 lost $20 win $20 win $20 ..reset. I have followed along at home using the RM spins vrs my 5-5-10 system I have never lost $ the rare time the RM system has made more money than my 5-5-10 system the thing I like the best is its extremely hard to lose money. use the starting bet you can afford. dont lose because the bet requires you to pay an amount you are not comfortable paying. so my advise is start low.. practice with 1-1-2 or 2-2-4 and you will see patterns the highest bet before you win 2x in a row will be fairly consistant. Im a big fan of get in and get out. dont sit at the table all night. this system is amazing. I hope you can get it to work for you.
New session profit is the –
High Water Mark
I tried this strategy and lost 7 spins in a row lol
I don’t like the whole “15 minutes” thing. Personally, using a set number of spins would be more fair. I counted roughly 60 spins on Kentuckwhites system, but only around 50 on bluemoons. Honestly, you should take it even further, and play both systems simultaneously, so they both hit the same numbers, and see who the true “winner” would really be.
Super 22 is great but I play it slightly different that helps avoid those pesky 8-10+ streaks in the same column or third – I play the last third and column that was hit and then look at the number before last that was hit and do the opposite for the other third/column. I found this much more consistent than risking a long streak in a third or column.
you cannot consistently make money in roulette. there is no strategy in roulette that extends beyond a single spin, because every spin has exactly the same house-skewed probabilities, and any bets you make have to be for one single spin only. every spin is a new game.
Players listen to this rubbish? can't make it up 24 numbers and still losing 🤦♂
Why does it always say no loss in title yet you always lose bets.
Don’t get it. And why don’t you ever try these on live tables rather than simulator. Just don’t get it. That’s why I can never ever watch the occasional video in full.
Have you ever thought about acting like you were two different players using two different systems playing with two different bankrolls at the same time. Try it please. I want to see it. No one's ever done it before
What’s the theory behind moving dozens/columns after a win but keeping the bets on them after a loss?
I use the same roulette app that RM uses to demonstrate the systems. Anyone else feel like the app seems to figure out your system?
I like the second system ,
All those variations, it doesn't really matter. You can play 3-6-9 street, 5-7-9 street or 7-8-9 street. With bad luck you can lose with any of those systems which are essentially the same.
The second system, Super 22, is excellent. Thanks, Blue Moon and TRM, for sharing.
I prefer Kentucky White’s version of the first strat. It can make a lot of money very quickly.
I know it's not a popular opinion, but 9 street roulette or 333 doesn't have the risk/reward result that brings confidence for me when I'm at a live table.
Every situation and person is different, so I'm not knocking it if it's for you. But the outlay can put a lot at risk quickly.
Great system blue moon will definitely try it out! The only thing I would do different is when you lose partially I would remove the dozen or column that hit and increase the other bets! You know at first there was an idiot who complained about the roulette master coughing then we had another jackass who was complaining about the roulette master sucking on candy! Now we have another numb skull who is complaining about the roulette master announcing the number that just hit! Are you kidding me? You have nothing better to do than come on the channel and make an idiotic remark like that? You know everyday I say to myself I have seen it and heard it all until another moron proves me wrong! Thank you for sharing ❤the roulette master 💌
This one makes it easy to intercept the luck with directional flexibility. Always follow the luck.
Starting with 6 Streets increases your chances of winning on the first spin, but you lessen your winnings and you lose one progression bet. The idea is to have as long of a progression as possible. Starting with 1 Street would be the absolute best. But you are right, a large bankroll and starting with the absolute minimum bet, is the way to improve ANY system and make your progression longer. Thanks Blue Moon and thanks TRM.