Mexico’s Craziest Sandwich!! 🇲🇽 $5 Feeds a Family!! (Guadalajara, Mexico)

Mexico's Craziest Sandwich!! 🇲🇽 $5 Feeds a Family!! (Guadalajara, Mexico)
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GUADALAJARA, MEXICO – Get ready to go on a huge Mexican street food tour in the heart of Guadalajara, Mexico! We’ll start with a rare and extraordinary breakfast, then get into the heart of the city at the market, and then proceed on to eating the most insane tortas and Mexican sandwiches, and the craziest street tacos – you’re in for an adventure!

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► Mexi Papa (@mexipapaadventures):
► Claudio De Angelis Martinez:

Fonda Doña Mica ( – This place specializes in Mexican traditional food and especially breakfast, the highlight here is their tortilla stuffed with eggs, then topped with chicharon, cheese, salsa, and cactus.

Mercado de Atemajac – We’re continuing with our Mexican food tour today at a market known for selling bread and carnitas. Claudio taught us about the differences between Birote, Birote fleima, Telera, and Lonche bañado bread. We then continued walking around and tasted Tacos Dorados, and Tejuino – a traditional Mexican fermented corn drink.

Mercado Libertad (San Juan de Dios) – Next we’re heading to the heart of Guadalajara and especially the main market in the city where you’ll discover some of the most unique and exciting Mexican street food.

El Chivo de Oro ( – We’re eating the most famous dish of Jalisco – birria de chivo. And this stall is especially famous for their Quesabirria – a tortilla stuffed with cheese and goat and lathered in goat oil.

La Torta Loca ( – Of all the sandwiches in Mexico, few are as crazy as Torta Loca (Crazy Sandwich) – it’s something you have to eat when you’re in Guadalajara.

Lonches Rafa ( – Another sandwich you have to try in Guadalajara is Lonches, and Lonches Rafa is one of the best in the city.

Tacos Carlos Suadero ( – We couldn’t end the day without some Mexican street food late night tacos. This place has a swimming pool of bubbling meat parts and we tried tacos de lengua and tacos de suadero.

0:00 Intro to Mexican Street Food
1:44 Mexican Breakfast at Fonda Doña Mica
11:16 Mercado de Atemajac
12:24 Mexican Bread Tour
14:01 Carnitas
16:18 Tacos Dorados
17:13 Tejuino
19:38 Mercado Libertad (San Juan de Dios)
20:36 Birria de Chivo (Quesabirria)
27:56 Tortas Locas (Crazy Mexican Sandwiches)
33:02 Turrón Rosa (Pink Candy)
34:31 Catedral de Guadalajara
35:08 Lonches Rafa
40:51 Mexican Street Food Tacos
45:38 Ending

Guadalajara is a Mexican food paradise, thank you for watching this incredible food tour.

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About the Author: Mark Wiens


  1. Glad to see you made it to my families home town of Atemajac. The market is where I ate as a kid growing up when going for vacation. I know there’s only so much time on the show but upstairs is a large food court. Doña Chole’s place is legendary.

  2. me and my three-year-old daughter love watching your videos! I think it's safe to say, that after your Indian/Pakistani videos Mexico is our favorite. My daughter told me "Mommy get money to go Mexico with mark wiens" so I think she really enjoys this mexico series lol! and your hosts in this video have been your best so far! very likeable brothers.

  3. I guess forks and knives are not a thing in Mexico also? The breakfast looked amazing. I don't know how your stomach takes all this street food. I guess you are used to it.

  4. I could really go for a plain version (no tomato/jalapeño) of that last sandwich. And I love seeing Mexican Squirt…I’m actually drinking a vodka & Squirt while watching.

  5. Claudio reminds me of a real mexican narco drug boss who are obsessed with his country and food hhahah but not in a bad way , funny guy hahah . And mexican food is just amazing what i love about mexican food is that everything is fresh

  6. мексиканцы любят острую пищу, но такую какую вы можете есть, они не смогут. все блюда выглядят аппетитно и люди приветливые. Марк, вы такой позитивный, поэтому люди везде рады вас видеть. Мне кажется у вам никогда не бывает плохого настроения.

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