Real Ghosts Caught On Camera | YOU Be The Judge!

Spread The Viralist

Watch as we review some of the internet’s most scariest paranormal videos!

Yall have been asking so we have officially brought it back! My wife and I are back reviewing some of the scariest videos on the Internet. You know the rules…. Let me know in the comments which videos you’re ghosting and which ones you are roasting!!

New Episodes dropping EVERY Tuesday and Thursday!!

#scary #creepy #paranormal #reactionvideo #reaction #ghosts #poltergeist #frightnight #ghost #spirit


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About the Author: Ghosted Or Roasted


  1. Lissen there is nothing out there like GOR. We love you.
    The clips were great even tho 4/5 were roasted. Don’t let ppl tell you otherwise! Keep on doing your thang… also stop it with that smushy fur bebe face! Your boys are so cute

  2. Ayoooooo!!! Nooo no firing 😂 the clip getters are getting you different types of videos and even though we had 4/5 roasted, they were all interesting!

    Still having fun. Love love love!

  3. I can't lie I miss the minimum 2 days a week. Idk what the Cinco was but I saw a few comments & I'll just say.. Keep being who God created you to be, because we love you, Stacy, & everyone. Anyone who judges, that's really about them & truly has nothing to do with you. JS Anywho.. That last video I've seen the full clip. The kid was house-sitting, so no one was home, & while games online other ppl he was playing with noticed what was going on in the behind him & towards to end some stuff on the counter slides off. I'm not sure if you saw that because I closed it on accident. Now I know you roasted the 1 because of the shadow but, I been thinking if it's a solid apparition then why wouldn't it cast a shadow.. ya know. Just a thought & the rest I Toast because it could be either way except of course the REM pod. (Sorry if I spelled it wrong) But he had a casket, the movie version of that doll, so I wouldn't be shocked if he set himself up to be haunted.. Anywho…lol I did enjoy these videos but please don't ever stop picking videos yourself too… Maybe like a mix-up, 1 video per person or pick 1 persons clips per week & then you pick them 1 day a month. Just a few ideas.

  4. the last clip is actually longer and it doesn't freeze. He was at his friend house to do his little podcast live. But the original from beginning to end explains better. I first saw it on paranormal caught on camera. But the freezing portion is definitely not part of it

  5. Dalen, just wanted to say thank you for all you do. We love you ,GB,and the family. We love the guests also. We miss urban legends with the ghost brothers also bring Mark T back for something if possible since he is your ghost brother from another mother. Keep up the good work. So many nurses (like myself) and healthcare workers watch you and Ghost brothers. It makes our rough days better with the humor, real life issues you speak on and just to hear how you see life. The new videos are good but i would appreciate it more if that f bomb and such words weren't so prevalent like in the first video. Been a fan since the very beginning, and i still watch GB all the time on discovery. All you do is so good Dalen and Stacy and the family is just a perfect fit to the show also. Love yall♡♡

  6. I have unsubscribed from your channel. I'm a true servant of God and I will not be on a channel that has language of any sort.
    We are not meant to use language. We need to not use dirty language

  7. Don't listen to the crap people have to say bro, been following u since day one and love the content. GOR is a cool time to just chill and relax 2gether and watch some videos 2gether. U need to kick those complainers to the kurb bro we true followers are all behind you brother 👌💯💯

  8. Vid 1- ghost if you ghost the rem pod you gotta ghost the video lol

    Vid 2-Roast, where’s the rest of the clip? I need to see what happens with the girl.

    Vid 3-ghosted

    Vid 4-Ghosted

    Vid 5- I’ve seen that video before and it was ghosted.
    The guy lived by himself and actually left the house came back the next day and it was more weird stuff happening.

  9. First and foremost! I love ghosted or roasted with you or with you and guest. It doesn’t matter. I NEVER miss an episode. Even if I can’t catch the live with my fellow grave yard shift fam. I still watch!

  10. i seen the one with the young man playing the live stream game that wasnt the beginning of the video hes house sitting an it normally dosnt get stuck there if you could of seen the whole thing the right way you would 0f ghosted it i would think it scared me i love scary things

  11. I signed up to see any and all episodes of any of ur series.. grave Yard shifting or ghosted or roasted Soo who ever sending emails better dry it up ..kuz no sir ..I look forward to new content from Dalen and I am not the only one …love love love 💕

  12. I've watched that first video, i follow his YouTube channel, and that video is an hour long. And the entire video is him, not really capturing anything on video, just a lot of him reacting to things allegedly happening off video

  13. Excuse my language, BUT! Whoever said it's a disaster can 💋 my ass! If I get in trouble for cursing, let it be, as long as everyone knows where I stand! Behind Dalen Sprat and our beautiful families!!!!

  14. The one with the little girl on the bed and a she has another girl and shadow on the bed, if you look when he first enters the room there is a black spot on the wall on the right then there's a line like the video has been spliced there is a line

  15. Dalen there is more to the last video story wise. The person in the house was cat sitting a friends cat. He is a video game streamer. He only brought over a box of stuff while his friend was gone. imagine if someone came to babysit your two dogs while you were ghost hunting did their streaming thing and caught something random

  16. 1 definitely roast!. 2 roasted!!.you see that an not check on your daughter who sitting acting all weird!. 😂3 aGhosted.4 roasted 5 ghosted ive seen the full video and others.

  17. Hi Dalen, graveyardshift family and new members. Hope you’re doing well. Ghosted, Roasted, Ghosted, Roasted & Roasted. You’re right the last few Roasted Dalen due to the lack of evidence.
    Not our Tito and Taco their our mascots ❤❤❤

  18. I have one! My grandmother who has been passed had a card table from her parents so it’s like 80 plus years old and they played something they call up table up table where four people or 2 put your finger tips on the table and chant up table up table and it will rise up to one leg! Well we filmed it and caught orbs! Video is posted on YouTube but I never believed in it but it’s falling apart terribly and it will still raise up on one wobbly leg

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