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About the Author: The Mystery Abyss


  1. Omg. The guy who said the bodies were “there when I moved in.” Took me out! Like WHAT?! I’m sorry, but if I moved into an apt and found d*ad bodies, I’d be calling my damn landlord asap! And the arresting of an innocent man and allowing him to die in prison?! It was absolutely racial bias! INFURIATING!

  2. ALRIGHT HOMIE……on phone with ma….gotta check wit 3-4 aunts…SOO…shoemaker…front and seltzer Kensington philly. Dad and mike killed the slow brother joey…found chaind up …possibly Brimleysmill. B and Lehigh . Killed nurse at least one likely more from episcopal hospital. Neighborhood kids would go in to never be seen again. The daughter (Sandra/sany) lived next door raising her children bore by her father possibly brother. They were very active in the neighborhood for a long time apparently when they stepped out of the area they got caught but also apparently got away with allot too …. ill keep on it 4 ya.

  3. Crazy to learn all of this was happening around me when I was a child. I’ll always wonder what my parents thought about all of this.. Really makes you think about all of the unspoken horrors that may be going on around your neighborhood as we speak. Many neighborhoods in Philly were transformed in the early 80’s and apparently those hard times created a trifecta of evil men. Not much has changed over the years. One can only imagine.. So sad..

  4. Yeah I feel like that poor man was wrongly convicted for the murder of that woman and they need to keep looking for the right man , because that's the right thing to do , all those women who died back then and there family's have not gotten any justice !

  5. Born and raised in N.E. Philly, I remember Gary Heidnick, and the poor woman who got away and broke it open. I went into the Army in 83 and was gone until 87. Don’t really remember the slasher. But great job, looking forward to more.

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