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About the Author: FOX 13 Seattle


  1. Lower criminal penalties for vehicle and residential burglary has put more stolen firearms on the street. Crime can be deterred, avoided or confronted. Learn what you can do to prepare for this type of crime, a new book called Dealing with Burglary and Home Invasion Robbery is useful.

  2. I just read a story today about how Washington is making it legal for homeless people to sue over being removed from places if they are caught sleeping and they object due to the place being reasonable to sleep in.

  3. No way! This is a hoax! We were assured that the gun bans that have been"passed"(rammed through)in the last 10yrs would make this impossible. Oh well, the only answer is to"pass"(ram through)even more gun bans to disarm the potential victims!

  4. As the city and state continues to target law abiding citizens gun rights in the interest of public safety when the persons committing murders are not suppose to have guns in the first place, minors felons or possessed stolen guns. Meanwhile the state legislature is about to pass laws that would only allow the wealthy to buy or possess a means of self protection. Then scream about the federal government going to take away freedoms. Clueless legislator's owned by special interest and out of state groups .

  5. all the people in the comments saying the usual suspect. There are little to no blcak people in this area. i go to this park often and only see homeless people behind the safeway and whites.

  6. Did the victim appear to be robbed? Did they still have their phone and wallet? How much pedestrian traffic does the park see at 2:30 AM when it’s below freezing in January?

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