Serial Psych All Episodes | Twisted Tales
Watch ‘Catch My Killer’here: https://youtu.be/NcQnwh1eVvc
0:00 Intro
1:18 Sexual Sadist
Sexual Sadists are the most common breed serial killers. These murderers are addicted to the thrill of inflicting pain on their victims before finally killing them. Sometimes the torture is brief. Other times it’s prolonged. Like most serial killers, these monsters will continue their heinous crimes over and over again, until they are captured or killed.
Episode One of Serial Psyche features two of history’s most heartless murderers, David Parker Ray, the Toy Box Killer and Dennis Rader, the BTK Strangler. BTK stands for Bind, Torture, Kill. The Episode contrasts the twisted psyches of these two infamous Serial S*xual Sadists.
43:44 Cold and Calculating Killers
Episode Two explores Cold and Calculating serial killers who are not necessarily motivated by sex or torture. Some are driven by a hatred for humankind. Others seek revenge for their abusive childhoods. And some simply Love to Kill.
Featured in this Episode is the monster called America’s Most Meticulous Serial Killer, Israel Keyes. Keyes operated out of Alaska, but traveled throughout the United States for decades slaughtering victims and cleverly covering his tracks so the police had no clue a serial killer was even on the loose. Keyes’ twisted psychology will be compared to other criminals of this ruthless breed.
1:27:42 Angel of Death
It’s a shockingly common breed of serial killer – doctors and nurses who repeatedly kill patients. Many Angels of Death have continued their brutal crimes for years before they are caught. They often disguise their acts by appearing to heroically attempt to save their dying victims. This Episode features physician and serial killer, Dr. Harold Shipman, who murdered more than 200 victims. Shipman is perhaps the most prolific serial killer of all time.
The program compares Shipman’s crimes and psychology to other Angels of Death like Donald Harvey, a murderous hospital orderly and Maria Fikáčková, a nurse who killed newborns.
2:11:28 Extreme Killer
They are the most excessive Serial Killers who murder and then often cross over into horrible perversions like mutilation, necrophilia and cannibalism. This Episode also covers the Psychotic Killers who are not the cold-calculating murderers like most serial killers – these monsters have total broken from reality, in the most horrific ways. The Episode deals with some of the most infamous murderers like Jeffrey Dahmer, Ed Gein, David Berkowitz and Peter Sutcliffe. We explore the twisted psyches of their unique madness. And we uncover the roots of psychotic killers that are driven by visions and voices to commit their unspeakable crimes.
2:55:16 Killer Couple
These are serial killers that work as a team – monsters that fuel off each other’s warped psyches to serial murders they would never carry out on their own. Sometimes it’s a man and woman, other times two men. But in any case, it’s a match made in hell.
Featured are British serial killers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, a couple that murders five children for sexual thrills; the American duo of Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole who claims hundreds of victims; and the English couple Fred and Rosemary West, who rape and slaughter more than 16 young women.
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“Welcome to our FD True Crime channel! Here, we invite you to delve deep into the chilling depths of human psychology and the darkest corners of society. Prepare to be gripped by tales of intrigue, mystery, and the pursuit of justice as we unravel shocking crimes, dissect complex perpetrator profiles, and explore the intricate web of investigations that seek to uncover the truth. Our content offers a compelling blend of storytelling and analysis, shining a light on the harrowing realities that lie beneath the surface of the headlines. Join us on a journey that will both captivate and unsettle, as we navigate through the twists and turns of real-life cases that defy comprehension and challenge our understanding of the human condition. Experience the gripping documentaries that bring these stories to life, providing insight, context, and a deeper understanding of the events that have shaped our world.”
The fact it was a WOMAN who was killing the baby’s as a NURSE! The things she did just make me sick and the fact that she wrote her mom to basically cry out for help like WHAT THE HELL GIRL. Ive never wanted someone to burn in hell so badly than her.
The shrinks who study psychopaths are wayy scarier than the psychopaths. You can tell the minute they start talking about motive and you realize thats their motive, not the killer.
That 1st guy Parker face looks like pictures you see of the the face of satan. He clamed it was consensual but that tape he made proves it was not
Isreal keys in the same sentence claims his not different from any other person who has fantasies but he takes it to another level. Setting himself apart. Ego much. They are getting norderiaty from doing acts because they have no self-control. They are simply all defects.
Investigators are wasting energy being frustrated that David Parker Ray died so early into his prison sentence. That sicko would’ve never given anything up to the police. He wasn’t into publicity, so that was no incentive. He had no feelings for others, so he didn’t care about the suffering families. He had no desire to impress the police about how smart he was. The only way he would’ve revealed anything was if he’d “found God” and believed his religion dictated it.
I’m surprised they didn’t make a movie on the Toy box killer yet
JESSI, Cindi, and Yancy are free. Jessi is possibly in Kentucky and is still recruiting.
Not ABQ. Just saying.
I'm going to get my master's in forensic psychology. So obviously I've put much research into abnormal behavior, interrogations, body language, ASPD, NPD, the list goes on… David (The toy box killer) instills fear in me. Many murders, serial killers and the like…I can look at them clinically. That guy though?!? Sends chills. Ice cold chills
How can a person physically beat a baby to death and no one notices…I mean this monster fractured skulls and punched chests…..I simply cannot comprehend that…what a horrific crime…at least justice was swift in that case