Lost dog’s so happy to be rescued
Check out this story: https://www.instagram.com/gatewaypets
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Bravo mes anges❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Lost our boy diesel recently to cancer, absolutely identical, we live in Australia
Does he answer to the name DADDY ?
Omg my heart I want him that’s heartbreaking. Y’all are located in St. Louis? I would Love to take him
Taylor’s red dress for the Grammys
He looks like my grandbabys dog Swade that's been missing for several months.😢
Poor sweetie poor baby looking for help thank god he got tge help that it needed god bless true dog lovers that care about dogs 🐕 God bless these lovely peoples that saved this beautiful dog Amen.
It’s too bad that he wasn’t micro chipped. I can’t imagine losing my dog to getting out of the fence etc…My sweet Boxer girl, Shelby, died of a stroke 4 months ago at age 8. She was so loving and strong. Just like this good boy. I miss her terribly and hope he gets adopted soon by a loving family. Thank you for saving him. There are still angels in the world, we just have to look for them.
His harness looks like it has a handle, maybe for someone who is blind or is disabled. Am I wrong? If the person is blind they wouldn't be able to see posters or be on the internet to see a pic on it. Wondering if they checked Nextdoor for lost dog posts they might be able to locate his owner. Just a thought.
So sad. I wish I could take him. Hope he didn’t get dumped.
If it's cold for you, it's also just as cold for your pet. Be aware of your pet's needs please. Food water, and safe shelter are basics for all creatures, animals and humans alike. 💛
I’ll take him if he’s still available please reach out to
Microchip your pet people !! For Gods sake !! MICROCHIP YOUR PET 😢
This poor dog is crying cause hungry tried but you being a kind good hearted lady you gave him a home where he was safe food water treats toys bath warm bed walks love care vet check you love care ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💕💕🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️👍🕊️🕊️👍👍👍👍👍🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮♀️♀️💙💙💙💙💙💙😚😚😚😚😚💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💚❤❤❤❤💚💚💚❤🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞❤❤👍🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️👍👍👍👍🙏🙏
My Claire bear, went missing Nov 17th 24. Posted on FB. A lady saw her, sat with her for 1hr, then loaded her in her suv and drove off 10min before I arrived to get her. I assumed she would be taken to animal control , she is micro chipped. Visited animal control checked pet connection. Had almost given up located her. 3mos later, a call from a Vet they have my Dog. She's 8hrs away in Arcadia, FL. I live in August, GA. She stole my dog took her to Florida, realized she's fixed and DUMPED Her. Claire found Ms Kathy. She took her in kept her safe took her to the Vet. I drove 8hrs to pick up my baby. ❤
Shame on the woman who dumped my Baby.
What a Bonnie Boy and who wouldn’t want a dog with such warmth of love & personality?
To add to these charms, he’s so good looking. I really do so hope this gorgeous boy is adopted by a truly loving & deserving human companion
Good luck little man,
Jane Russell
How is he with other dogs or cats? About how old? Weight?
Such a sweetheart❤
I would love to have him, if he hasn't already be adopted can you please contact me.
May God bless the family
1,000 times!
He looks like he was well cared for my issue is pities are super smart and if that dog who looked like he had some kind of training because he wasn't just wild and skittish He went right up to the people and he went to that house because he was cold obviously want any crying which is what a dog would do going to their own home and typically they're not going to wonder too far away from their home they just won't especially when it's that cold outside pities do not like the cold they have very short coat and they're not fans of the cold even though they love the snow they hate the cold at least with mine she loves the snow but hates the cold She shivers and shivers and shivers when we go for a car ride until the heat heats up and she stands right on my console right next to me when I'm driving if my dog gets out she comes right back mine is very well trained but all of the pennies have had before I've had ones that as soon as they get their taste of freedom they take off but of course you go to chase him that's what they want you to do and as soon as you get right about a foot from them he darts off another direction cuz it's a game to him we just wants to play It's all it is they're very very playful dogs they love to play and they love their owners they're one of the most loyal dogs to their family of any breed they're by far my favorite breed of dog even though I love dogs that are mixed cuz they have their own personality mine is a pity mix with a boxer and she is an absolute joy and I'm telling you if I didn't know where she was at for even more than an hour I would say not even an hour I would lose my freaking mind I would be in panic mode if I didn't know where she was at, in fact there was one time we was camping out in this field and we are in the tree line and I went walking about a half mile away and I thought she was following me and I start calling for her and she never responded I started panicking thinking did she get lost So I turned around and headed back to the campsite and there she was sitting waiting for me at the campsite She knew how to get back faster than I did and that wasn't even her forever home that was just our campsite She's very very intelligent and most pities have those instincts and this little guy here he looks like he's pretty sharp so what I'm wondering is of course all these traits of the dogs are very easy to pick out because dogs by nature they need humans if they were raised domestically to survive especially in severe weather and so all these aspects add up to how the hell was their owner not out looking for this dog knowing it was below zero outside knowing that the dog was unaccounted for knowing that the dog would surely die if not found in this weather and days went by and they put flyers up and they went to all the local shelters and put flyers and pictures and all the local shelters in case anybody came looking for their lost animal to see if their animal was in the shelter No one has shown up and claim this talk that tells me one thing that people are despicable people don't deserve or some people don't deserve the love the unconditional love that these dogs provide because they trust us completely to provide for them and when there's people out there that fail these dogs that is criminal these people should face criminal charges I don't think it's any different than abandoning your child in this kind of weather and just leaving them to fend for themselves your child or this beautiful animal would end in the same result and that kind of weather If they don't find another person to bring them in and get them the care that they need in order to survive they will not survive You do that to a child your ass is going to jail I think you do it to a dog your ass should go to jail too I don't know this dog situation but I'm just going from my personal experience with my dog and I would not be able to sleep I could not even imagine that kind of weather and not knowing where my dog is knowing that she's not at home I could I wouldn't come back home except for to check to see if she showed up and the fact it it couldn't have been far away from where the dog ended up at It wasn't going to wonder more than a mile away No way I guarantee you it's in that neighborhood that either the dog lived and I'm guessing that more than likely it did not live in that neighborhood or that's the house it would have been going to and trying to get into I'm guessing that the dog was dropped off in that neighborhood left to die people suck I just don't understand some people in their thought process I'm so glad that the baby was rescued I would take him in a second if I didn't already have my snookie that very selfishly hogs all of my attention that this dog needed it I'd make room for him absolutely absolutely that my guess is there will be plenty of families lined up to give this handsome little guy a loving home
Poor baby was probably dumped by his owners. Thank you to that kind family for saving his life! 💝
I rescued a pit off the streets too . Great story
If he get adopted, and somehow, like a year later, the “owner” came back and claim him, please, don’t let him go back to that person.
The owners are probably missing him, he seems like such a sweet dog. If they don’t want him, I sure anyone who gets him will be very lucky.
He sure is a pretty boy.
I can't believe someone isn't missing him terribly. He looks so loved! Big loves and thanks to the girls and mom who took him in and all the rescue folks caring for him. He's in good hands.❤ I hope we get to see him reunited with his loving family! ❤ 🙏
Poor poor sweet baby, I hope his family sees this! He even had his harness still on 😭
How can you not open your door? 😢
Thank you for helping him. Heartbreaking.
I rescued a Anatolian Shepherd from The Shelter, where he was going to be put down. 130lb of pure love. With huge
Separation issues. Had him driven from Texas, to IL. He never barked, acted out. He just wanted Some one to love
him. He was 7, and on the streets of Texas. I had him 3 years, until God took him. He was the joy of my life
At 74 miss him every day. Can't wait to be with Him again. Everyone loved him.
I hope to see updates on this little guy.
Thank you everyone who helped him too safety..
beautiful puppy
Gut-wrenching to see him begging for help. It breaks my heart that he wasn't immediately taken inside to get warm.
Sending hugs and Prayers!♥️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thank You for saving Adobe….
This is the problem when people don't microchip their pets!🤨
People, have your precious pets MICROCHIPPED! And, of course neutered.
Thank you thank you for saving this beautiful dog thank you GOD BLESS you all for helping this pittie ❤❤❤❤PRAYING FOR him to get a forever home soon 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦❤️❤️❤️🐾🐾🐾🏠🏠🏠🏠
Beautiful pup. He likely smelled the resident dog and decided to ask for help there. His leap to the woman on the floor to get pets was remarkable to see in a recently abandoned pup. He's a wonderful boy. Has anyone tested him with other dogs?
Microchip your pets!