Philadelphia Plane Crash: Medical jet carrying 6 crashes; fireball engulfs homes

Philadelphia Plane Crash: Medical jet carrying 6 crashes; fireball engulfs homes
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Crews rush to help after a plane crash in Philadelphia.

Hundreds of firefighters and first responders descended on Northeast Philadelphia after the plane crashed late Friday afternoon. Authorities say the plane crashed near the Roosevelt Mall. According to the FAA, at least two people were on board.

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  1. nobody is seeing through this. the number 55 with mainstream media. sick world and sick that the govt did this on purpose, right near the blvd. you all need to wake up and realize who is really behind this.

  2. Oh look 911 all over again. Take a big guess who's doing this. First name Elon last name Musk. Mofo has beef with the FAA cause they impeded his SpaceX, now he's secretly doing this as payback, & guess what! Trump's got his back, ( thx Elon 4 getting them Mexicans 4 me says Trump) so it's all good. Do you think 3 plane crashes in 1 month is a coincidence? 🤣 don't make me laugh

  3. (REPORTER)-You just don't see planes come down like that in North East Philly very often-—-Who is this reporter, He makes it sound like planes are always dropping out the sky in North East Philly – JUST not like that. Where does he come up with mid air collision–This reporter should be at MSNBC—-PRAYING FOR THE FAMILIES EFFECTED

  4. What is going on is simple.
    Drug Cartels, Middle Eastern theocracies, the Empires of Evil helped by the usual US domestic foes are attacking America.
    Several dreams connected to events yesterday only
    1. A man is seen on tv sobbing uttering the words 'open attack'
    2. A strange scene in an office at the top of the top of the Power Chain, represented by 7th floor tells me something odd. 'Pablo Escobar' Laconic yet highly symbolic. 2024.
    3. Dreams about conflagrations in cities. Buildings highlighted each time + the sound + m e feeling the shockwave
    4. One dream about the DEA insisting on the need of real Authority.
    Not living in the USA makes all the above the more impacting.

    DC Reagan Airport. Reagan is known for his Wars against Cartels. Escobar.
    Philadelphia, a highly symbolic name. Mexican Patients heading to Tijuana via Missouri. Surrreal.
    Do I believe that Cartels known for human trafficking, colossal resources would sacrifice a few Mexicans to send a message to the Administration that upgraded them to Foreign Terrorists? I do. 2025 is the year of the Snake. 2001 was year of the Snake. Planes.

    Mexico is a foe. Not a US ally.
    The terrorist upgrade is too soft. Not precise. Evil attacking Good is what simple believers know. Latin America is going to multiply attacks against the USA as they see their Plan, Terminating US communities with Drugs, is compromised by the New Administration a very military one. About time.

    TIJUANA patients flying over Philadelphia exploding and causing collateral devastation is the kind of innovation one can expect from Cartels.
    It is just a strong feeling. Not a certainty. Why was I told about Pablo Escobar? He is dead but his Evil legacy very real.

    Like usual, I will shadowbanned but I warn Agencies to brace for more Plane Crashes using Medical emergencies, Families, Children. Cartels will use hospitals just like Hamas did.

  5. TWO in the first weeks of a presidency.
    Hardly a coincidence given how he's chopping government workers.
    Is it safe to travel by air in the USA any more? 🤔

  6. If you watch on a PC, like I am doing, and you pause at 8:57, and double-click the "pause" button, "quickly", you can pause on the image of the plane, because at that part of the video, the image is in closer, but we can't see "a plane"!

    It's like some kind of smoke, it doesn't look like a plane! How amazing, since that's right where it crashed, why didn't we see the plane "clearly", since all the cars and buildings are so clear!

    I know they even showed parts of the plane, but it's really weird, we can't see it, even though it's a small plane! Weird, right?

  7. La paciente era una niña de nombre Valentina,que ya había terminado su tratamiento oncológico,regresaban a Ensenada,Baja California.Que tristeza por ella,su madre y los demás compañeros de vuelo, y quienes hallan resultado heridos también.Que pena tan grande!

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