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About the Author: jacksepticeye


  1. Happy birthday Jack I say it every year we share a birthday and you've helped me through a lot in my life I really appreciate you and all of your hard work your the only person I know I share a birthday with and it's an honor thank you again keep up the hard work I still look forward to meeting you some day

  2. I truly believe this is a great series. i love the journals from Riley. The first person I see play this game is you. Great choice, in my opinion.

  3. If there's a chapter 5 in the future, imagine your character being turned into a toy, but as one of the good guys. With like a split personality similar to your original character you had in the beginning in a way. I actually miss seeing him show up. Like he's a spy for the good guys with him. He pretends to be evil, when in fact he's secretly helping the good guys. Now that would be an interesting character. Right?

  4. I've noticed that some words in the playthrough are capitalized so wouldn't that mean if you put them all together you could get like a sentence or something from it??

  5. I'm 0:17 into the video, just watched Cory play it, excited to watch Jack's perspective but before I do I wanna go play Roblox for a bit I will be right back Jack

    Edit: I've returned about 2 hours and a half later

  6. I love how hard the devs work on this game. Each chapter has been such a major graphical and mechanical improvement on the last. I know chapter 3 had some bugs but overall you can tell they’re really working on improving every iteration.

  7. Watched for the first time while sick so wasn’t looking at the screen. Got really confused the next day when I restarted the video and there was no written mention of pizza in any of the journal entries😅😂

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