How can we trust God with all the natural disasters in the world? How can Christians be different, in a good way, in response to natural disasters? Are natural disasters always judgments from God?
Why does God allow natural disasters? – https://www.gotquestions.org/natural-disasters.html
Why does God allow natural disasters? (video) – https://youtu.be/MY0yLbjzzZ8
Where is God when it hurts? – Where is God?
Many rush to blame God for natural disasters, even some point to accounts in the Bible where God brought destruction by natural elements. But today many are caused by man’s mismanagement of the planet. Also, “the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19)
God is in control of the natural forces but it’s used in wisdom. First, people were warned beforehand. Second, unlike the natural disasters today which kill good and bad people, destruction from God was selective. Only wicked ones and those who refused to listen to the warnings were destroyed. Third, God made a way for innocent people to escape! (Genesis 7:1,23; 19:15-17; Numbers 16:23-27)
I don't think we're supposed to believe blindly that we'll be ok no matter what we do or where we are. God gave us a brain probably for several reasons, but I'm pretty sure using it logically to avoid catastrophe is one reason.
And no one think of Satan Wich is the god of this world and Satan is moving things around and yea God is allowing him Cause Jesus did what He needed to be done
And There’s nothing else to do except believe in the gospel First Corinthians 15 1 to 4 and when ur heart is open then you are separated and then you will see
How Satan is manipulating the people
I lived in Florida for almost 18 years. Hurricanes are a way of life and most people who live there understand that.
I've never blamed God or questioned if He was/is behind natural disasters.
It's through God I've been given and if it's taken away from a storm, it will be through God that we rebuild.
The bad weather is to do with the original sin this world has fallen and bad weather is just the consequence of it cuz I'm sure in the Garden of Eden there was none of this bad weather 🙏
Jeremiah 12:4-6
4 How long must the land cry out in mourning,
the grasses of the field wither and bake in the sun?
The birds and wild animals have simply vanished,
all because of the wicked living here—
Because they say, “God does not see what will become of us.”
Florida, you've got to deal with the snow.
God controls the weather!
He brings the wind out of his treasures.Psa135:7
He turns the clouds.Job 37:10-12
See other Scriptures!
For decades man has been doing nuclear tests on the Earth Which triggers earthquakes and tsunamis
Once you see how the elements of nature function in this world, you realize it is a world that is falling away.. and people will be in those places of function and sadly, it may cost some lives..