In Altadena, California, a firefighter consoled a dog that was wandering the charred streets with one hand, while also working to extinguish the flames engulfing the neighborhood with the other. A local rescue later found the dog and brought it to safety.
How do you leave your dog?
Uhg this is what always gets me .. not the one's roaming although that's sad in itself.. the real disturbing part are all the people that left their pets locked inside these places. Only for nobody to rescue them not knowing they're there. Especially one's there with no food or water (maybe sink leftovers) for weeks until their human returns when their area is cleared. So, the reason these images are so real to me is because I use to volunteer and I cannot even count the times people have abandoned their animals who were simply moving or just leave them tied outside or cats in a crate.. so unfortunately these scenes make me nauseated thinking of the other animals. Happy for this doggo and hopes he goes into better care. Animals get traumatized too. I only hope more spread awareness about this stuff to help prevent/report/or look for suspicious clues. That is why I bother painting the picture of what these people do. Definitely changed my perspective on humanity.
All planetary wildlife are children of this planet. Thanks to this firefighter for rescuing this awesome doggo!
Thank you. Did you save the puppy? Find the owners?
George Michellin Galaticos calling condesate tap roqe dumper drum
Thanks everyone for all your service and kindness. May God Bless each and everyone else. People like y'all have home in the area
That dog is possibly searching for his family 🤔😔😯😮😭😭😭😭
Szkoda zwierząt domowych i
My heart breaks.
Brave man
ALLAH MURKA … KARENA Meraka LUPA dan sdh tidak ada IMAN di hati…..mereka hanya penikmat DUNIAWI saja…..sehingga lupa bahwa BUMI yg mereka injak adalah milik TUHAN..😢😢😢
Xllent job saving this sweet dog and fiting the fire 🔥 😍 thank you HEROs
I sincerely salute all firefighters
May God bless you and your families sirs
Hojala y lo adopte y la gente de esa casa este bien
Betul itu kejadian??kok presiden nya sibuk ngurusin negara orang,rakyat nya sendiri butuh rekalosasi rumahnya
If only we had compassion for others too, people of Gaza are suffering Genocide. Yet world is silent.
Pembohongan ajak ni
They are punished for the deeds of human beings.
Akibat kesombongan segelintir manusia , yg tidak perduli dengan segala peringatan, ahirnya yg tidak bersalah pun kena himbasnya
rain, rain, I wish rain
Stop leaving your animals behind people. If their truely part of your family then take them too. Treat them like you love them.
Padre eterno extiende tu poderoso brazo en tu misericordia sobre este desastre en california,resguarda a las personas y mascotas ,ser vivo ,obra de tu creación, sea extinto este incendio en el nombre de nuestro señor Jesucristo amen❤🙏
May dog 🐶 searching his owner
semoga kesehatan, kekuatan, kesabaran, ketabahan dan kebaikan dilimpahkan pada mereka..🙏