Motion Blur Is Awesome –Slow Shutter Street Photography

Motion Blur Is Awesome –Slow Shutter Street Photography
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My camera gear, these are affiliate links to Amazon:
Panasonic Lumix S5IIX:
Lumix S 50mm F1.8:
Lumix S 20-60mm F3.5-5.6:
Ricoh GR3x:
Sony A7IV:
Sony A6700:
Sony E 11mm F1.8:
Sony 24mm F2.8 G:
Sony 40mm F2.5 G:
Sony 50mm F2.5 G:
Tamron 28-75mm F2.8 G2:
NiSi Vario ND:

DISCLAIMER: Everything I’m saying in my videos is my opinion, one person’s opinion, not a universal truth. I try to mention that in every video and often enough but sometimes I forget.

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My name is Matti Sulanto, I’m a photographer based in Helsinki Finland.
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About the Author: Matti Sulanto


  1. Hi -I am new to your channel. I dusted of my Olympus pen F-And im looking for a lense there is good for travel photogtaphy. I looked at the Lumix 35-100 mm and the Lumix vide angle 7-14 mm. Would you recommend any of these? Best Stephanie

  2. Try Shinjuku station in Tokyo… 2 million people per day in just one single train & subway station. More passengers that all German train and subway stations combined.

  3. Please tell me how you get sharp photos with blurred moving objects? No matter how hard I tried, all the photos were not sharp. How to take a sharp photo at such a long shutter speed? Fujifilm XT5

  4. I love ICM and do try it every now and again but mainly in nature love to try it out in streets too. It is not something you always get right the first time but that only adds to the fun and creativity love your images some fine captures.

  5. Fun video! I've recently started as well and it's all exploration and discovery still. Great phase of the journey. Another thing to try: playing with motion as it interacts at different levels of depth. With an opened up aperture (may need ND filter) not only does bokeh show motion differently than focus, but the focal plane reacts differently depending on distance+speed. So you get to add layers of depth to the equation. Which is challenging but creates some really cool effects. A good example is walking at pace with a subject… But the static FG and static BG are both out of focus due to depth of field. You get this really cool "swimming through reality" effect. Anyway, look forward to checking out your other videos.

  6. 素晴らしい感動的な作品ありがとうございます、疑問ですがモーションブラー撮影はカメラの手ぶれ補正機能をOFFにしているのでしょうか?

  7. When I was a teenager, I had a dream of taking up photography as a hobby with an SLR camera, but more than 40 years passed without that dream ever coming true. Recently, however, I began to wonder if it was still possible to fulfill that dream with a mirrorless camera even now.

    Yet, times have changed, and smartphone cameras have evolved to an astonishing degree. This immediately made me question the significance of cameras in today's world. There is certainly a joy in operating a camera, but that alone does not seem to be a sufficient reason for me to own one. As I was asking myself what kind of expression could only be achieved with a camera—something that would make photography a meaningful hobby for me—this video provided me with valuable inspiration.

    I look forward to learning more about photography from your other videos.

  8. Very inspiring, thank you. I've only tried a few slow shutter pictures here and there.. after watching the video I'm motivated to try more. This could be a good approach for shy street photographers :).

  9. Really I like your idea – I have played with it before at a circus midway – living out in the country this try of shooting is a bit more challenging – But you got me to think about it and see what I can come up with. I am thinking of a way to use in one of my longer term projects and the one that comes to mind is documenting the people and the land (farmers and the like) of where I live. Thank you for the inspiration.

  10. I am completely confused how you can shoot that low shutter speeds like 1/4 of a sec from hand without the whole picture getting blurry. Do you have some sort of Digital Stabilization in your camera?

  11. I imagined this would be you trying to focus on say a train, while you panned across the scene getting the train in focus, while blurring everything else. So I was surprised at this approach, but it's all fun, and it opened up my mind to possibilities!

  12. Kiva video on tullu itekki testattua pidemmäl valotusajalla kuvaamista, mutta tää video inspiroi ottamaan vähän vielä pidemmillä valotusajoilla Helsingin kaduilla kuvatessa.

  13. As an American, it's soooo weird not to see people jumping the turnstiles in the subway and homeless people everywhere. Would love to visit Helsinki some day. Great pics and loved the voiceover explaining your thought process.

  14. Some great shots there Matti! Made me smile when hoping for a few more people in the scenes, you are in Finland after all 😂 You should come over to London 😅

  15. Thank you Matti for the inspiring video 🙏👍

    Question… at about 5:43 minutes you were upstairs in the mall and there was a nice round fence along the big round hole. That was also a big pole from the construction of the building on the left.
    Maybe that could be a nice spot to wait for a subject! The leading line of the round fence, the pole for a more narrow gap…

    Or isn’t that your style of photography?

  16. I see that in each photo the three parameters change except the ISO. Are they done automatically?… Some later i saw ISO 800. It seems tat ISO is on AUTO. It is good this experience

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