Scary videos from the internet and Nukes Tops viewers!
We need scary videos! Seen any? Send em to NukesTop5@gmail.com .
Please timestamp the “scary stuff” if the video is CRAZY-long.
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Not Nuke’s Top 5, it’s a top 10. But lots of ghosts and scary stuff. We’ll cover ALL sorts of scary stories of allegedly REAL paranormal activity. You’ll see apparitions, weird EVPS, ghost hunters, scary tiktok ghosts, and everything else within the creepy, spooky realm of the supernatural. Does anyone read this far? IF ya do- there is a ghost caught on camera in a haunted house, Nues Tops 5 viewers sent in some creepy ghost videos, a poltergeist in a cabin in the woods, an exorcism, a ghost caught on a Ring cam /cctv, and more.
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If you liked this scary video, you should also check out these other Nukes Tops 5 parnormal Top 5 lists:
Top 10 SCARY Videos That Are NIGHTMARE FUEL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqCvakxhYl4
And THEN maybe try:
Top 5 Ghost Videos SO SCARY You’ll Be SHOOK
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Suggest videos: NukesTop5@gmail.com
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Reddit: NukesTop5
Those who have dogs or cats understand the shock we get when our animals start to look strange as if there is something in the house or they see something we don't see!! This freaks me out very much!
I always wonder how he gets all these clips when he explains the situation. (Not the actual clip)
please don't Add ghost

In the 2 video is it just me or when the ovner Said yeah there was a like Voice saying yeah a little voice
Your merch is buns
Watch till the end and I will spread my legs
always looking forward to your vids, huge win
It wouldn't be cool if your vids caused hauntings. Nuke wtf bro i know you need more vids but damn.
in the philippines, if ever you were told/seen headless.. go back home, remove the shirt you were currently wearing and IMMEDIATELY burn it. There are sayings that if you were ever seen headless, something unfortunate will happen to you, or worse, d3ath.
We love you @Nukestop5!!!

also great video name 
hope you feel better and bring us more great videos!! Love the funnies at the end!! 

20:45 if this were real, and this man was actually in some sort of danger, he’d be murdered immediately
who tf is loud af when there might be a threat? Get a weapon at least Jesus! 

9:45 this is all a complete lie. That book would not look like that after being where she “found it”. Also it looks like she put random pics in the book either that or bought it that way. Not to mention, I love that she was filming when she “found” the stuff. Every bit screams fake. And the dart seems like a string. Not sure how she did the bedroom stuff, but as someone who does believe in the supernatural, I also believe in science and trying to debunk and have common sense first lol.
ight now for some pbs kids
“My hound sees them”
good lord honey you have an orange-cat-minded golden retriever that doesn’t like curtain rods
Last videos lame.
Its scary when you hear a disembodied voice call your name-o.
Please Nuke as a watcher of your channel since the beginning, leave the funny vids at the end!
Sick or not ur voice is sexy !!!
Lofl Jorge was really scared he was louder than the ghost and his adrenaline really had him cursing a lot like me. lol! That one was too funny
Lofl Jorge was really scared he was louder than the ghost and his adrenaline really had him cursing a lot like me. lol! That one was too funny
At the 1:21 mark you see a shadow move at the top of the window
1st video…..2nd dog….
That there is soot sprites
No please no more funny videos I only want scary videos please please!
The Guadalajara Mall in the video used to be a cigar factory for almost 30 years, so… may be…
Take out the funny shit please
I thought something was odd about the video from England with the dartboard. The upstairs bedroom had headphones hanging on the wall. That alone may not be odd if it was attached to something that has multiple places to hang various things, but it there alone in a place that just seemed staged. There weren't pictures or anything else. Just a random pair of headphones as if she needed something there just to fall from the wall.. It seemed very staged.
if i was amelia i woulda never touched that book or touched them floorboards
Wait dude that said "Who goes there"

butterrummmmmmm they can have it my rent will be sent by the ghost!
You Uploadod to many shit bro shit that is fake.
Charlie was cute he was talking aww!! Yoo you heard a female say "GET OUT"
Am I alone in heting the damnbeeps more than the actual swear word? Those beeps get so annoying when they're used every second
18:55 WHO GOES THERE????

I caught what Charlie (the dog) was barking at. It was a house fly zipping back and forth. It wasn't a ghost. If you watch carefully you will see the fly at 26:35.
The dog will defender he fam8ly
Whats up brother
nuke top 5
Not scary
Im sorry but that Jorge screams like a little girl,

That dancing skeleton is a "Maniac, maniac on the floor"