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About the Author: Gabe Poirot


  1. Interesting…. You had a spiritual, God, religious type of dream….. so instead of considering this just a dream… it was a real life experience outside your body 😂😂😂

    But when it’s a dream about random stuff.. it’s just a dream.. not an outside your body experience😂.. right?

    I swear you people are so gullible

  2. what you dont understand is that all of life/creation is LOVE, you are LOVE. Everyone is LOVE at their core, the reason you were able to see in the eyes of jesus is because your conciousness only has his image as a reference for a divine being. in truth thee are many, many ascended masters just like jesus. you saw jesus becasue you were only open to receiving the message of love through HIs image, but consciousness is far far far greater than just one embodiment of one being. YOU are LOVE. <3

  3. How people don’t see that all religions are just dividing people, and destroying everything around them baffles me. Wake up people.. Stop giving your power away to some magical man in the sky. I will never believe in «Jesus», and I’m a very good person. I’m not gonna end up in hell just because I don’t believe in «him». BUT IF SO then so be it. Then the god of this world is truly evil. No one is gonna make me do anything or believe in anything or anyone. I choose. Not some book or any person or thing. Only me!

  4. How people don’t see that all religions are just dividing people, and destroying everything around them baffles me. Wake up people.. Stop giving your power away to some magical man in the sky. I will never believe in «Jesus», and I’m a very good person. I’m not gonna end up in hell just because I don’t believe in «him». BUT IF SO then so be it. Then the god of this world is truly evil. No one is gonna make me do anything or believe in anything or anyone. I choose. Not some book or any person or thing. Only me!

  5. Jesus shows each person different experiences in Heaven. Every NDE experience is unique according to the particular message that he wants that person to bring back and reveal. Heaven is endless, eternal & ever changing. Just as his Holy Gospel says believers will never die. We are already eternal spirits; we are all an extension of God.

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