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About the Author: FreemanWelterweight


  1. He busted up Tony Ferguson systematically throughout their 25 minute fight, Tony looked like Rocky Balboa at the end of Rocky 2, eyes were both purple and swollen shut with blood dripping down 🤯

  2. I have one friend who trained wrestling. And he's too aggressing. he fough in college almost everyday. And he just take some serious punches before suplex someone on the street.

    The last time i hear about him that he in jail because he just broke someone's legs or hands. But i think he's countinue fight in jail.

  3. These guys are humans like everybody else, when real flight response kicks in everybody hides in a tree 😅 it’s what been keeping us alive since we lived in caves

  4. Just like I thought most of these professional fighters never been a real street me it’s a different kind of fear and adrenaline that kicks in when u know there isn’t a ref there or someone there to stop the fight if u bit off more then u can chew not saying these guys ain’t tough but I think my theory is right about a lot of these guys

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