Wingsuit flying is actually safer than it might seem. Don’t believe me? Watch til the end. In 2017, Fred Fugen and Vince Reffet performed a mind-blowing stunt where they jumped from the Jungfrau mountain in the Swiss Alps and flew into a moving Pilatus Porter aircraft. Then there’s the Italian wingsuit legend, Robert Mancino who successfully flew a wingsuit between two office buildings in Panama City in 2015. Guess where I found these incredible stories? That’s right, on the websites of companies that specialize in wingsuit flying experiences.
But of course, beyond the wild adrenaline rush and amazing views , nowhere did these websites mention the dark side of wingsuit diving. For every flyer who has glided through the clouds, there are many stories of those who never made it back to ground safely.
Today we cover 6 of the Worst Wingsuit Diving Incidents in History. As always, viewer discretion is advised.
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While all of these stories were mind blowing to me, Uli's got me the most. Would you ever consider wingsuit diving?
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It’s nothing like bird or bat flight, so it’s obv not mimicking them. It’s closest to a sugar glider.
Was Robert Mancino a man????
the ai voice is so annoying
Extremely dangerous period.
These kind of dangerous sports are just suited for cats since they have 9 lives
I find human stupidity to be extremely funny, just like roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote.
Alvin idiot aka ai seems very concerned .
wingsuits are for wingnuts
Sport 😂😂😂
One way or the other, death wins in the end.
hell no
Fantastic to watch , but very dumb to do !
Going for the Darwin Award !
are there any compilations by real narrators and not some AI voice ?
Mother Nature and Father Time are undefeated.
And as bad as all these are…..this is still on my bucket list lol. I just wanna feel what it’s like to fly!
Not accidents because its unnatural but it is basically suicide!
No black person even thinks of doing it but we will watch others do it!
And evolutionists want us to believe the Bald Eagle evolved over billions of years…. 😝
14:31 twenty twenfitemito
That was a silly stat at the end there. 1 in 147 car accidents end in fatalities sure, but over 99% of wingsuit accidents end in fatalities. And you don't get into a car accident every 600 car trips.
If people were told they would get into 99% fatal accidents every time they got into a car, I doubt anyone would do it ever again.
Let's be honest here. There's only ONE reason these GUYS go this, and it ain't "adrenaline". It's the same reason guys do EVERY dangerous thing. 🙂
4:04 goofy ahh cut
I would still wing suit just outta of a plane!! Proximity flying is super cool but no room for error..
Did this joker just say skydiving is safer than driving a car?
Pushing the boundaries of safety !!? 😂 I doubt that. I doubt that that is a motivating factor for most base jumpers/wingsuiters. I'm sure they all try to be as safe as possible. I doubt that even one of did not wish to go home at the end of the day and pushing the boundaries of safety in an activity this dangerous can lead to only one thing. Your demise. You're pushing the boundaries of common sense if you think I bought that hogwash. 😅
What a stupid statistical manipulation at the end! It leaves me wondering whether it is the author being an idiot, or the views are supposed to be brainless, as if after a rock collision …
well. Fastracking evolution instead of waiting for us to grow underarm wings failed here.
Wingsuit is safe??😂 then what are we talking about?
You make $$$ from others deaths. Scumbag.
Lol playing with your life
Dumb entitled jocks. Airheads.