The bustling city skyline is filled with towering skyscrapers, busy streets, and people going about their daily lives. Suddenly, a deep rumble echoes as a massive wave appears on the horizon. It grows larger and faster, crashing into the city’s waterfront. The tsunami slams into buildings, shattering windows and flooding entire streets. Cars and buses are swept away like toys. The camera captures the relentless wave smashing against skyscrapers, causing walls to collapse and chaos to erupt. The final shot reveals the city submerged underwater, a haunting reminder of nature’s sheer power.
#Tsunami #CityUnderWater #WaveImpact #NaturalDisaster #TsunamiDestruction #UrbanFlooding #ExtremeWeather #NatureStrikes #DisasterScene #EpicWave #Survival #UrbanDestruction #FloodedCity #ClimateChange #disasterpreparedness
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This video showcases a visually striking, AI-generated simulation ! Disclaimer: This video is a simulation and not footage of a real event. This video is generated by ai !
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