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About the Author: Mr. Ghost
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Some people are so creepy you can see he is hiding something behind his back stay safe everyone

Is that a demon or what

He did blink…
I thought it was number 456
in squid game
Looks like a homo erectus, or protohuman… probably an illegal though… I’m assuming he didn’t speak any English either
What bros goofy ahh look
Its yellow
Looks like an alien
I thought the kid was an adult man at first lol
Damn…these "just in time" videos scare me
“Man doesn’t blink a single time” then man blinks as soon as he says that

Looks like that serial m&$der
Pew pew
They called the man’s family and his family said he has some disibility problems with talking
They live among us

Thank goodness, you can hear her lock her door after her daughter came in. Please always lock your doors. Something as simple as that can prevent some awful things from happening. Just a simple lock can deter some criminals.
Ok just to reassure everyone the man was in fact caught but was released when his mother said he had schizophrenia and also had other mental disabilities and she actually live down the road from him so even though it said he was never caught he was but he was released under heavy surveillance
I like my door automatically in or out
He shouldn't be hard to find..
More diversity please
As soon as the narrator says he hasn't blinked a single time, the creeper blinks. Still scary AF!
I have too many guns
Caveman looking around
get a gun
Makes my hair stand up
Drugs..? Possessed? Both?
Let him in and make sure both feet are inside and than introduce him to ur friend Smith & Wesson it’s the only way to get rid of these problems!
A cripe is on the loose.
Resembles a illegal immigrant .
That man looks cerrpy as shit and dangerous