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The dogs!!!! 🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙
Sadly I just don’t speak up anymore. I just bark. It’s not because of just men either. Women have brought me down just as men have
1:04 usual suspects.
Pitties, properly bred from good not trash stock( non puppy mill disasters, though a lot of those are still good dogs) and properly socialized and trained, are some of the best dogs on earth. Loyal loving family members, good with kids. And will defend their own. My neighbor has three, I’ve been introduced to them as a good person. If they get in my yard, they are good and I can give them love and take them home. I can’t handle a dog of that size in my life but I’m happy to share theirs. The grandbaby came home and she has three big buddies. So loving.
@1:55 ahh so these people are the same everywhere, I see.
You got to love dogs. Man’s best buddy. 👍
Jesus, the 70s were fuckin insane
That kid's story kinda makes me scared to wear cologne ever again 😬
I love pit bulls. I’ve owned many and never had any problems, of course. If you’re good to them, they’ll protect you for life.
Dang that hostage situation was fucked
Sylvester Stallone's face is 75% poison and plastic now
FORTY FOUR kids lady? 😂
Another person who was successful or well known or shall we say had a life that just vanished . Add Norman Lee to the list
Fascinating behaviour
The Draino one, is just mind blowing!! Such a crue! thing too do!!
I thought you shaved your facial hair. You're very handsome without it.
Avatar is awesome, edgelord 🤡
Give a dying man a drink holy Christ
The thing I don't get about Sylvester Stallone is how come the paralyzed face didn't stop him from bodybuilding, but it certainly stopped him from serving his country when he was called on for the Vietnam war? It's funny to me that a draft dodger played at Green Beret war hero.. Much like John Wayne
To find a human friend as loyal as a dog is a rare gift indeed.
That last story though!!! ❤❤❤😊
Black people are crazy
Hi! How are you?