Rescue bird comforts people at tattoo store

Rescue bird comforts people at tattoo store
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Bird hangs out at tattoo store to comfort people

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  1. Love your story. But, be careful. Don't know what the health regulations are on animals in an establishment like yours. You are causing open bleeding areas on clients skin. The overbearing health agency may come knocking at you door. Would hate to see that. Again, great story.

  2. Birds are not stupid – she knows there is no dust or water in the client's hair. I think she likes the smell (maybe of the shampoo or conditioner) and is trying to adopt that smell a little. She is so lovely. Thank you for sharing her with us!

  3. What a heartwarming story. A reminder that we humans are not the only intelligent and loving beings on the earth. Look at what you did for this little doomed bird by picking her up off the road! Not the life intended for her, but one that’s safe, and filled with love. I call that a win win for you both ❤

  4. Sweet video, but I'm not sure about allowing an animal that can't hold its bowels around a place that needs to remain sterile, or at least as germless as possible…

  5. A bird in a tattoo shop… why couldn't I have something like this near me while I was getting my tattoos? I would of loved to have a little bird on my shoulder or leg while I was getting a tattoo, those people are lucky

  6. Ignore this comment as this is a personal msg for someone

    For Mel

    The more you take advantage of me sexually and make me realize how much you lust over me, the more i become attached to you. 💙🩷

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