The Wildlife SOS vets race to save an injured antelope; a sloth suffers life-threatening seizures; and a baby monkey is rescued from the highway.
S1, E4 | Jungle Animal Rescue
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Baby Monkey Rescued from Highway (Full Episode) | Jungle Animal Rescue
Nat Geo Wild
I love how they empathize with the humans who hurt these animals, they understand actions and focus on healing the animal and understand what leads people to these horrible actions.
Thank god for these courageous tireless working humans for saving these helpless majestic beings
Can't Holly be sent to Mr.Ambani's Vantara? I have seen few elephants getting treated there for arthritis.
Kartik …We need people like you in India…..God bless you… How can I be a part of your organization?
Thank you for helping these animals, love from Australia ❤❤❤
Is holly sleeping now😢😮?
Ahora Libby es otra, cuando nazca el bebé y la acosen los VO veremos si es tan cariñosa y calmada😍😍😍🫣🫣
Subscribed! ♥️
I love these documentaries about animals. I could watch them all day long ! Thank you for posting them and taking such good care of animals. God bless you all !
Suggestion, You need to get a lift for Holly, Crane, or other piece of machinery, Wrap a Strong Belt around her Stomach, & Lift her up a couple inches, from the ground, that way she doesn't have to apply her weight on her Legs, to get sleep! Then you NEED to Build a Brace for her knee, to help her walk, And with that lift, She can get Rest that her body NEEDS!!! HELP HER PLEASE, IT BREAKS MY HEART!!! Doesn't ANYONE of You know what your Doing??? HELP HOLLY
I have seen another elephant go through the same thing that Holly's going through, and that's exactly what they did, and it worked!!!!!!!
Don’t say ur live I. Aren’t
I love that Holly and Kalpana are still good friends!
So pretty
These dummies almost lost the sloth bear just to move his limbs to see if he progressing which he was…he looked like he was doing well and much better there was no need to put him to sleep which caused him to overheat then a seizure which almost caused him to die….so 3 dangerous situations occurred out of the one that caused this all which was putting him to sleep
Y'all are awesome! As a wildlife rehabber I can really appreciate the effort you guys make to help those marvelous creatures.
¡Gran vídeo! ¡De hecho vi este video hasta el final!
Thank you all for the love and support of the animals!
so fake
Thank you for helping the lil one! 🍼🐒❤
OMG…that baby is so beautiful 😍❤️
Finally a real rescue from ppl actually licensed/trained/knowledgeable enough to handle these animals unlike the fake ones with personal YouTube channels
Would it helps foe Holy making like a big carry bag, sure she needs to be get use to it. Or a waterbed for Holy😊
5:15 so, so great from the hospital staff to let them take the bear in their MRI machine which is for humans.
That is the other side of India!
Aww ill adopt the little fur ball 😊
What is it with the villagerers….another mob…. wow! These animals are losing their habitat….due to humans!