Cop Stop Breaks Out Into Huge Fight | Police Arguments Compilation

Cop Stop Breaks Out Into Huge Fight | Police Arguments Compilation
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Tensions explode as a routine police stop turns into a heated argument—and then a full-blown fight!

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About the Author: OMG Stories


  1. Nearly 20 years on i wonder what percentage of these scroats have ended up in gaol? Even more terrifying is the thought that have bred
    Feel so sad for normal families have to live there.

  2. Haha. Council estate reprobates with no GCSE between them. Yet, they claim Britain ain't Britain anymore. Lol. It was just as bad without mass immigration. It's just the "English" won't be blamed as it doesn't fit the media narrative. 😂😂😂

  3. Idiot 29:10
    'Idiot' was formerly a technical term in legal and psychiatric contexts for some kinds of profound intellectual disability where the mental age is two years or less, and the person cannot guard themself against common physical dangers. The term was gradually replaced by 'profound mental retardation', which has since been replaced by other terms. Along with terms like moron, imbecile, retard and cretin, its use to describe people with mental disabilities is considered archaic and offensive. Moral idiocy refers to a moral disability.

  4. Testosterone is a hormone primarily produced in the testicles in men, playing a crucial role in the development of male reproductive tissues and promoting secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle and bone mass, and body hair growth. Testosterone levels peak during adolescence and early adulthood, gradually declining by about 1% per year after age 30 or 40. Abnormal levels of testosterone can significantly impact physical and mental health, affecting mood, energy levels, and overall well-being.

  5. People without a UK driving license shouldn't drive on our roads, it's unfair foreigners can use our road and not really face consequence. Someone from Bangladesh, where the driving test is literally driving in a figure of 8, can drive on UK roads.. for 12 months but it should be 0 months!

    Always the same bunch doing U turns in random places, parking over crossings and junctions, driving the wrong way down one way roads.. I see it all every day, winds me up no end

  6. @27:50 not gonna lie we are in febuary of 2025 now and that motorbike .looks like the dogs testicles or the " Bee's Knee's " , this program is conservatief 17_18 years old now , i want that bike

  7. Who knew spreading out distance between letters started on a
    S H I T T Y R O V E R From 2006 i vaguely demember watching this back once when , and remember this lemon shirted bexhillian and his overtly loving polish wife , when watching first time around during my time in Uk circa 2006

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