**THANKS SO MUCH to those who liked and posted/shared this, bringing it to 10K! You rock!! 💯**
**Also, don’t miss the Adams County Historical Society Museum exhibit: Beyond the Battle! ⬇️**
Hope i don’t disappoint everyone too much, but my car is getting old and things are going to slow down at some point. In a couple years, with any luck, things will go from real slow back to full throttle. Keep fingers crossed that i may be steadfast and diligent in saving $$$ for a new car and putting less miles on ol’ Baby. It’ll pay off in dividends, no doubt. i love this land, Gettysburg, the Delmarva, and wish i earned more and could afford to put my best foot forward with Tubin’. But hey, i think I’ve done pretty well on such a shoestring budget. It’s been a pleasure for me, and it’s been my pleasure to share this journey with you as well.
What a splendid, misty, foggy, wet morning. It was surreal, ethereal, moody, and magical.
Same here, the landscape is beautiful and wide up, but all the teens there behaved. It was a spooky feeling and then a bolt of lightning from an incoming storm. I hope those souls find a way to move on from their trauma
That one ghost was cutting grass.
very haunting landscape. I can see why people believe they see ghosts there
Very atmospheric, thank you for posting this.
It is normal of every battlefield fulled of paranormal,ghost or some strange events happening on those areas even around the world.
ads must go!!
A video recommended to me under yours mentioned James Jackson Purman, a Union soldier. Look him up. Seeing him after just seeing you in your video was like seeing a ghost. Striking resemblance to him. Even your beard and hairstyle.
Always beautiful in the morning, been there more than 30 times
Never been to Gettysburg, but I went to Shilo and felt the same feeling it was so thick you couldn’t breath it seemed.
I’m no psychic but you can tell and feel something, it’s eerie but it’s powerful at the same time….
I was robbed in Gettysburg by a Confederate ghost
Very moving video. Somber and peaceful. The wind hitting the mic sounded like cannon fire in the distance. Went there years ago. It was sunny. Definitely different in this amazing video.
50k Canadians fought in that war as volunteers. Most for the north the rest for the south. In a boneyard near me lays a man who fought at Gettysburg for the north, another, a Dr who went on and joined the Georgia 24th who ran a field hospital for wounded Confederate soldiers. Just wantwd to let fellow civil war buffs out there to know this.
Did this guy actually see a ghost or are we just looking at a tour through there in the fog
…and please consider subscribing 😊
Lame video.
Hey whats that building monument what have yuh he stopped at ooked quick and fri e off. Fog be like alit of smoke filled battle. People be hoping ghost come out of the mist.
And two came home . One cant be found yet.
Ohh god. I wonder if i can feel two of my ancestors in some of the battles . Their buried in richmond va.
I feel so sorry for those that died in the civil war of this country. I’ve added them to my rosary so that they are at peace. God Bless the men that died in this battle.
It is on my agenda to visit Gettysburg after watching this video. I want to compare Auschwitz Birkenau (Nazi concentration camp in Poland). I still remember how I felt at the chambers !
A juicy Gettysburg story: I had a friend many years ago who strongly resembled Dudley Doright (of the Canadian Mounties…a popular cartoon back then). He went to Gettysburg with his Mom and son and they found their way to a particular spot under a very tall old tree…where my macho man friend passed out! As it turned out, that was the exact spot a Union soldier who looked (literally) like a clone of my friend, died in the battle of Gettysburg! This story is 100% true.
When I watch this video from afar over the internet I feel already ghost hiding in the fog …they don´t even need to show up I can feel their presence very intensive and clear. OMG . O : ((
So no ghosts then
took a group of students there in 2022. What an amazing place! Every American should visit Gettysburg. We took the students on a walking tour of devils den to Little Round top. Exact location where some of their ancestors charged up that little mountain toward Union lines 160 plus years ago. Gettysburg is absolutely one of the most patriotic and solemn places in this country
1987 camped 2 nights, as a Boyscout on the corner of the Picketts Charge Valley Forge PA. Didn't see or hear anything paranormal. It was slightly higher level fog both nights. Souderton Troop 461. I lived in Blue Bell PA then. Im over in Boise Idaho now. I'm originally from Williston North Dakota, plains. Thank you. Awesome place!
If anyone reads this: this is how you can get pictures of ghosts: They don't make them no more or the film but years ago they had what i think were called a Polaroid camera: if your lucky enough to still have one and (good) film you just snap a picture and pull it out and wait for a few minutes and your picture will start coming into view: if there's a ghost(s) there usually them kind of camera's catch full blown ghost standing there – i don't know what it is about them type of camera's: unfortunately i don't think there even in production anymore and if someone out there still has one and the film – i don't imagine after all these years the film being any good to use
Where? Is this just a lie to get us too watch
I've always wanted to take photos of Gettysburg in the fog. Something very ethereal about it. Very nice vid!
The video looks great! Very eerie but fascinating.
Dude. Why are you running?
Stupid video – I didn't see any ghosts – THUMBS D O W N !