Heavily pregnant stray cat suffers the effects of life on the streets: Winter’s Story

Heavily pregnant stray cat suffers the effects of life on the streets: Winter's Story
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Meet rescue cat Winter in this episode of Shocking Rescue Stories with Dr Scott Miller. Stray cat, Winter, is found heavily pregnant, in urgent need of a vet check, but living on the streets has had a major impact on her kittens health.

If you would like to support Shropshire Cat Rescue, you can find out how on their website – https://www.shropshirecatrescue.org.uk

To help other cats like Winter and her kittens, contact your local animal rescue, and ask how you can do your bit, to protect and care for our rescue animals.

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🎡 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators

Caught In The Middle (Instrumental) by Josh Oliver, Edward Hogston, https://t.lickd.co/XVGBxJb9RwY License ID: N5odbV0bl92

Beyond The Peak by Paul Mottram, https://t.lickd.co/nwBrm4dbqAK License ID: ozkEE67OkwJ

State Of Mind by Barrie Gledden, Steve Dymond, Jason Pedder, https://t.lickd.co/Y7rN5P7KvJ4 License ID: 2qV9n9Ww5Pr

Aspect by Chris Bussey, Craig Bussey, Matthew Bourne, https://t.lickd.co/0MJmAjXqdJL License ID: DWblpdQ5bOl

Optimistic by Patrick Hawes, https://t.lickd.co/0VO4qd4l9Kz License ID: 0vW0Z9g56qZ

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About the Author: Rescue Vet


  1. I'm from Trinidad W.I.

    I know how heartless people can be, especially to cats. They somehow feel that cats can "see to themselves"

    I live in hope that those people will become more aware of the hardships strays face.

    It's inspiring to learn about what you're doing ❀

  2. I'm so glad everything turned out great in the end and the mom and her 4 babies all had their happy ending! HUGE thank you to the rescue team for their help and kindness! I myself adopted a street kitten from Greece when I was on a vacation there (and brought him back home to Germany with me). I know how bad the street cat problem is in many countries, especially warmer European countries, like Greece, Spain, Italy, etc.

  3. Cats are mankind’s greatest ally. They don’t get half the credit that they deserve. Without them, we couldn’t keep food safe, disease at bay, and pests away. We owe it to them to take care of them.

  4. Thank you to all the good loving compassionate people that help our animals these people make a big difference in the world they make a world a better place for other people and animals ❀

  5. I'm so glad you guys allowed the kittens to be born and gave them a chance at life. Some rescues just abort as soon as they take in a pregnant mother, no matter how far along she is.

  6. So glad all turned out well and they all found their forever home. Vlees the families who adopted them.

    Adoption cats are such survivors and so special. I had a few in my lives and still have one, a mini black panther.
    Purrrs from the Netherlands and love to everyone at the adoption centre! ❀

  7. I will be adopting a cat next week. My bf and I will be driving to the shelter. We already have marked in our calendar. I have never had a cat before. Never thought I would want a cat. Lately, the cat bug has gotten jn me. I found myself watching many cat videos. More than dogs which is a surprise to me. We have only adopted dogs before. We have one dog at home. He is very friendly to cats or anyone else. We already tried him around other friends cat’s. He is a lover. I think a cat will be good companion to him.

  8. My kitten came to me with calici, she had all but one of her teeth out. She only had one reoccurance of it. It was an ulcer in her eye. We both took turns to look after her around the clock until it was better. She's never had it again.

  9. They were the lucky ones.
    Once again,this mum and babies have suffered through people's ignorance of not getting neutered,which is the main problem.
    Hopefully they will fully recover and go on to live the lives they so deserve. Thank you for your care and devotion to the animals.

  10. Poor Winter! It's heartbreaking to think of animals struggling on the streets. Thank goodness she was found and is getting the care she needs. β€πŸ’–πŸΎπŸ™Œ

  11. People also don’t realize that cats are so easy to care for i had 1 then 2 and then 3 and they are less work then one dog! cats are just amazing 🀩

  12. We feed our neighborhood outdoor cats when they come by one that we've named Garfield as he is a Orange Tabby with an attitude towards other cats that started showing up last year used to be friendly loving pets and such but since the end of October 2024 his attitude has changed totally hissing and growling not only at other cats but also towards humans but I know the cats that visit are owned as they are neutered thankfully but when ever Garfield shows up hurt or with an injury it is taken care of right away, when Garfield's behavior towards humans changed it was after he had a foot injury to the point that his front left paw was swollen double the normal size and he wouldn't left me look at his injured paw and he was limping on that paw but after a week of not seeing Garfield he showed up all healed up no more injured paw, I just wish his owners would keep him inside all the time not just when the weather is bad or when he is injured and I wish I could afforded to buy/make a all-seasoned cat house for Garfield and the other outdoor cats but money is tight and our animal control only work until 4 pm and it's after that time that Garfield shows up and with it winter here we can't really trap him to get the care he needs and we can't bring him into our home as we already own 2 almost five year old male neutered cats who aren't cat friendly with outside cats

  13. I rescued 8 cat n kittens from a farm whre I worked. Calsi virus was common. mama cat has no teeth….I wonder how she survived eating bunnies, mice and getting canned food. My Tasselhoff's Mom died. Puggsly has the same Mama cat….2 litters before the 4 others I saved with Mama. Moma is now 12+ years old we think.

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