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About the Author: Curiosity Vault


  1. I genuinely take issue with you using Austin as the thumbnail for this video. Especially considering that photo was not how he died and that was not the shirt he was wearing when that photo was taken. Seriously shame on you.

  2. Hmm.. the first story seemed pure 'Darwin' to me. Howell not so much. Like all such people he knew the risks and was prepared to accept them for the buzz climbing gave him. I don't really see any difference from, say, mountaineers who take on K2 and the like, and nobody throws Darwin awards in their direction when accident or nature intervenes. They would all rather climb and die young than not climb and grow old.

  3. Climbing. I once "froze" about 50 feet up. The top was about the same distance as the bottom. If I had fallen, I would have died on the rocks below.

  4. Have family in fish hoek. I suggest a swim. They suggested I was a retard and should wait until we get home to the pool.
    Cousin is a fisherman there. I do the same now.
    Swimming in the sea is Russian roulette.

  5. Climbing without equipment is one of the most stupid activities imaginable. At the slightest mistake or bad luck… you’re dead or badly broken.

  6. Some people don't use their. God given they're supposed to. Or appreciate their lives they've been given. There's other good sports to enjoy. He's not the one to suffer. It was others from his death. Thank you. Shows people are. Stupid

  7. It's very aggravating that obstinate people intentionally do dangerous things that require others to rescue them, endangering themselves as they do so. And that many others have to pay for their subsequent medical care through insurance costs.

  8. Than climber was suicidal. He had serious mental issue and its unfair to make fun of a person with mental health issues. He was not dumb. He was unwell. This is cruel

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