From weird footage of mysterious drones over New Jersey that’s going viral to a scary video that might show paranormal activity in a haunted hotel, we need to talk about this weir footage going viral right now. #Weird #ViralVideo #SlappedHam
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7. New Jersey Mayor releases footage of orb UFO shape shifting into fixed winged craft… https://x.com/RedPandaKoala/status/1882572100541784211
“These orbs are glowing balls of light and as it gets closer to you, it transforms into a drone. I’ve watched it myself.” https://x.com/RedPandaKoala/status/1882189249203912993
6. 34°03’17.6”N 118°13’32.7”W needs to be investigated if this is still here https://www.instagram.com/reel/DFTfhJ_TxpO
Woman claims she knows who’s writing the messages in LA… https://www.instagram.com/reel/DFT5bUhvzYI/
5. Fingers crossed it’s just a ghost trolling me. 👻 https://www.tiktok.com/@cassie0peia7/video/7463675565623495982
Demon PR stunt? 👹 https://www.tiktok.com/@cassie0peia7/video/7463881087631052074
Our 1st convo with 7, and addressing some things. https://www.tiktok.com/@cassie0peia7/video/7464416077154602286
4. So a little back story;.. https://www.tiktok.com/@kmrj0623/video/7384437343081598250
kmrj0623 https://www.tiktok.com/@kmrj0623/video/7384523261775891754
kmrj0623 https://www.tiktok.com/@kmrj0623/photo/7384523605599882542
3. 👁️ Not everything is as it seems… https://www.instagram.com/reel/DE-MUbmuQnX/
The Mysterious Disappearance of Mexican Supermodel Gabriela Rico Jiménez… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AodwQ7Hzm4
Mexican model’s disappearance linked to wild cannibalism accusations against Disney and Royals reignited https://www.irishstar.com/news/us-news/mexican-model-disappearance-queen-elizabeth-32942400
2. chair moves on it own… https://www.tiktok.com/@49erpete68/video/7464842070688075050
1. Anonymous
Ghost Dungeons
By Ethan Sloan
By Ethan Sloan
Out of Line
By Ethan Sloan
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Curious where the footage at 1:34 came from…the flags are wrong. Look at the stars, they are aligned in exact rows instead of staggered, grid pattern. I watched a few times. Very odd
Maybe I could swing by the Adolphus Hotel to attend the ghostly wedding reception dinner to consume some Homo-Sapien soup and crackers while watching an entertainer with a talking dummy communicate with THE BRIDE using an Ouija board! Should I bring a camera?
I am so tired of mental cases and their conspiracy theories .
If an entity is desperate for help then why make it cryptic . Just come out and say it!
Those shape-shifting drones that only ever seem to turn into planes are…….. planes 🤯😂 they're flying directly at the camera, hence the floating ball of light. It transforms into a plane wen it changes direction and you then seen the rest of it 🤦🏻♂️
I'm not trusting the Ouija entity when it can't spell the word "separate" 😂
Well, Democracy is called tge big experiment and it is trying to be save at the moment. So, seven might ve talking about this.
Soylent green… #iykyk
Stairways to weirdness…Thanks!
Who who in the hell would use a ouija board for fun?
Nah, sorry: the lady was mistaken, the late Queen Elizabeth II was way too picky about food to gnaw on human flesh, however yummy😂
For the Ouija board story, I'm curious which partner first asked "are you making it move?" because that's always the person who's making it move 🙂
Sounds like the Gabriela Rico Jimenez case was 1000% a cover-up and it's probably not the first time, nor will it be the last time it happens…Powerful individuals such as ones on Epsteins list will do almost anything to stop someone from putting out the truth….Also that there have been ZERO updates about her condition or whereabouts since 2013ish could be proof of her claims.
What is happening with that lady in Mexico?
What weird accent dude is interested in our problems.
If u google Gabriela Rico Jimenez it says she disappeared 2009
One theory is the aliens are leaving cuz Earth is going down
Why "slapped ham"? I'm curious because it jives with something the late 'Paranormal Adventurer' and author, Joey Flammer, told me.
No mystery.
Because I, too, always leave antique ventriloquist dolls out all night posed on the corner of my deck right in front of a doorbell cam…
Ouija is demonic… these people using the ouija board is worse than ignorant and being dumb.
First off that bullshit about the world ending on May 27th 2025… is information your getting from a demon and is nothing more than a deception which the Bible said would happen in the last days Mathew 24:24 – False Christ's and False Profits will appear and they will offer great signs and wonders in order to decieve, if possible, even those God has chosen. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 ~ For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts, shall they heap to themselves teachers; having itching ears; they shall turn away from the truth; and shall be turned unto fables. Mathew 24:36. ~ But concerning the day and the hour, no one knows; not even the angels of heaven; nor the Son; only the Father knows. So obviously that's a demon trying to decieve because the Bible CLEARLY STATES THE TRUTH……
And if they are planning 1st contact ,they'll need to speak to someone else..
The Space Creatures are coming to destroy us or free us…Or another virus they've
created to take out pop..
PLEASE don't play with Ouija boards! Been there, done that! Though I'm not religious, I had a scary experience! Never again!!!
I would say maybe it's the Grey aliens disguising as drones or maybe it's just wishful thinking. I heard most are friendly. I heard one day the Anunnaki will return when Nibiru is getting close and perhaps they'll help us. Hopefully…
The help messages have all been erased
What if this is true? Wouldn’t be too far out of reach would it?
Wifi routers tell EXACTLY where those drones are from
The private sector. It's just drones
5:41 when D.O.G.E audits the fbi I bet we will find something’s about trafficking… that is if the C.I.A doesn’t start a civil war or “not alive” opposition
And what if this was a mass exodus from earth? What do they know that we don't.
It’s all been written. Clues hidden in prophecy’s all over the world for centuries. We are transitioning from the old earth to the new earth. Right now these are the growing pains of that transition. The bad times before it gets better
10:45 There is no power greater than God. If you're with Him, there's no fear of death.
I agree these items of darkness and pure evil are even excepted by certain people that are intrigued by some kind of supernatural forces and by shear stupidity they shall enter a ghostly realm that no one with an ounce of common sense should ever choose to enter ! The ouija board is one of the worst items to ever exist and it’s very well known to haunt people to death . Anyone that owns one should do as this other commentor did , destroy it and that’s the proper thing to do with demonic or dark matter! I had one when I was a kid and for some of us it was more of a game to leave you with a sense of humor and not for seeking out some wvil empires ; but I never looked at it as a way to dive into some kind of dark portal! Again it was discarded as another game and now that I think about it, I have no idea what ever happened to the ouija board???
2:19 They are NOT "transforming." The glare from the lights reduces as they get closer.
Wheel chairs do that all the time.
What happened to "please"?
Very glad you are bringing much needed attention to this story, she was trying to tell us the horrific truth about the what kind of things the satanic elite are doing and practicing behind closed doors and of course she was discredited and ridiculed and the whole thing was swept under the rug. The spiritual battle is REAL!
Funny how ppl expect you to be calm when you just had a traumatic experience and you're looking for help! Ppl apparently always trust the "authorities" over their fellow regular ppl even when their being told the "elites" and authorities are the bad guys.
Only God holds tomorrow, not an ouija board, ouija boards are of the devil.
The drones have been debunked quite a while back– and its in this vid as mysterious? LAME. Cancelled and reported for misinformation
Yeah … Leave the Ouija boards alone! Nothing good ever comes from them.
Oh dear, you just can't trust the mechanics of drawers these days. 🤪🤣
It’s the UFO psi-opt that's all.
Triangular spacecraft
A spacecraft having a triangular hull with vertical electrostatic line charges on each corner that produce a horizontal electric field parallel to the sides of the hull. This field, interacting with a plane wave emitted by antennas on the side of the hull, generates a force per volume combining both lift and propulsion.
Claims (4)
Hide Dependent
1. A spacecraft comprised of the following components:
(a) a triangular hull in the form of an equilateral triangle;
(b) two copper plates attached on opposite vertical sides at each of the three corners of the hull (1 a) such that a sharp vertical edge is formed where they come together;
(c) an electrostatic generator used to charge the back two copper-cladded corners (1 b) to a high positive voltage, and the third forward copper-cladded corner to a high negative voltage;
(d) a horizontal slot antenna array mounted-on the sides of the hull; and
(e) a frequency generator, antenna and coaxial cables to drive the antenna array (1 d).
2. To create, by claims (1 a, 1 b, 1 c), an intense vertical line charge at the corners (1 b) and a horizontal electric field that that is parallel to the sides of the hull (1 a);
3. To create, by claims (1 d,1 e), an electromagnetic wave with a vertically polarized electric field traveling outward from the side of the hull (1 a); and
4. To create, by claims (2,3), an interaction of the electrostatic field (2) with the electromagnetic wave (3) such that a combined spacetime curvature pressure is generated on the hull in the upward and forward direction to produce lift and propulsion respectively.
This invention is a spacecraft having a triangular hull with vertical electrostatic line charges on each corner. The line charges create a horizontal electric field that, together with a plane wave emitted by antennas on the side of the hull, generates a force per volume providing a unique combination of both lift and propulsion.
Referring to FIG. 1, the spacecraft has a hull in the shape of an equilateral triangle. A parabolic antenna (E) is centrally located in the bottom of the hull. An array of horizontal slot antennas is located along the side of the hull (A). Each back corner (F,G) has a corner conducting plate which is charged to a positive voltage +V. The forward corner (C) has a conducting plate charged to a negative voltage −V. A motion control hemisphere (D) is located on the bottom surface in each of the three corners.
Referring to FIG. 2, two planes (A,B) intersect at the origin O at an opening angle β. Each plane (x,y) is charged to a voltage V. The potential at point P is determined in polar coordinates {ρφ}. The Laplace equation for the potential Φ in polar coordinates is given by:
1 ρ ∂ ∂ ρ ( ρ ∂ Φ ∂ ρ ) + 1 ρ 2 ∂ 2 Φ ∂ ϕ 2 = 0
Using a separation of variables solution, the potential is given as the product of two functions:
which when substituted into the Laplace equation becomes:
ρ R ⅆ ⅆ ρ ( ρ ⅆ R ⅆ ρ ) + 1 Ψ ⅆ 2 Ψ ⅆ ϕ 2 = 0
Since the two terns are separately functions of ρ and φ respectively, each one has to be constant with the sum of the constants equal to zero:
ρ R ⅆ ⅆ ρ ( ρ ⅆ R ⅆ ρ ) = v 2 1 Ψ ⅆ 2 Ψ ⅆ ϕ 2 = – v 2
These two equations have solutions:
R(ρ)=aρ v+bρ −v
What are 7's pronouns?