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@Archbishop53 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8xZVIaXFhE
@MrUblik – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rq0iOgLdoe4
@erikd217 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHX1g4FxiTo
@y-guy2092 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SjbLYSCsVA
@tommysuth1018 – https://youtu.be/YgE500CQc-M?si=L23y6ZEYw3WQW5bh&t=144
@MrAlistairmcintyre – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtpIpq-Z6ok
@markgt3492 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Li-BzmRRIM
@1Down5Up – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgtj5vt9gQk
@swaggstunts4235 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KDXUIOdHwA
@markgt3492 – https://youtu.be/D0oCyTzN5Ao?si=o07coGZS1fFZYziT&t=60
@appalachianvulcan3185 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xjxQ6Ws6x4
@allsortsnz – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd4-zG9p5pw
@Gixxah_t – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7GOp6CLMeM
@PetrolHeadBe – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0XBSpwFNWY
@Ticen – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hBv3unB7Pc
@iWillProbablyDieOnTwoWheels – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usrAln8Uk3U
@tonyr8323 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUTj7SFyAus
@visatosvaldove924 – https://youtu.be/56-4nAZEiVU?si=rJx7iw4kXrLpszrL&t=159
@AmpsCam – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WNHBCyFS0E
@roushgirl86 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQ0t9LEhA4U
@215maloneboy9 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlTyO9rtTZc
@BMrulez – https://youtu.be/ABtcaUHzxQM?si=Hk0wBAKmCJyoBr8s&t=320
@Zurgg_- https://youtu.be/dnp7G1OMVAo?si=OBZMPFbSYKJON7Z4&t=16
@legacyr6920 – https://youtu.be/Q7pNn1q2tUg?si=GAnklA1uCfSZHb3d&t=63
@retarded_rider – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1P-F5g9zKTU
@weljo2001 – https://youtu.be/_KqiR9GyCt0?si=jC8AjLfKtLVHCY_K&t=134
@nayanpatel108 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEuSecCdDcE
@ManKidRides – https://youtu.be/CWxJqSKBgfQ?si=3dedyvZ2sARLyRAA&t=148
@SuperbikeDiscovery – https://youtu.be/gPOZR4buToI?si=o61r-VTooEnQmjkQ&t=523
@blakestunts3456 – https://youtu.be/5zD5Rmx9458?si=m-SbSOasEXV9LDtX&t=128
@ReeseSYL – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhat9TMK_4Y
@ziptie916 – https://youtu.be/mL-KbocVlNU?si=zqhxTixzlsAp6naH&t=9
@Blackadder1620 – https://youtu.be/OPqiGlycBz4?si=r2dJO7Owc40v8P4G&t=46
@fuckheaddrivers5005 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pa7GwDl2RJQ
@brotherpigs556 – https://youtube.com/watch?v=mpyP6cgAv9c
@saintd.1306 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSo55ROMnjY
@motojamie5866 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g25067b68rs
@thirtytwovlogs9223 – https://youtu.be/DvDCK2CTvFE?si=k1WkIUIPKmw3fWR5&t=127
@shortboymoto2343 – https://youtu.be/hsLLIeviHZA?si=kn6O0-qa9bQfiCrh&t=197
@LeónEnMotoPorColombia – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tPqXw3rTJA
@quadboystv4319 – https://youtu.be/uWKCSeB7cCg?si=V1sCBmRN4hE5OD60&t=114
@raspberryhippo – https://youtu.be/XnFDBngtyek?si=1MnG3I3RuPK1tOaG&t=281
@kiko1935- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_px_5969k1k
@getonthegeers5521- https://youtu.be/exuVSR8phSk?si=JPoWbIqqGppzJelS&t=5
@TLVN – https://youtu.be/A7ymxWc9hTk?si=m_AJSFW6YbSCt5bC&t=8
@faryaz8408- https://youtu.be/ioZuASl9oGQ?si=hx3gGf6G9xGI7sxO&t=111
@leesolomon2063 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Tc8akLM8lE
@fiftybros584 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPFb3__0Yss
@fatfancycatz3811 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4dUY1DWDnY
@rabbisaga6968 – https://youtu.be/zRz6ZrXi_EA?si=LRHv0iJQTx5U1t7b&t=55
"Where white people belong" or saying N word when you are… I don't get this people. They don't like when someone is racist and yet they are themself… Because logic
No one taking about that barefoot woman 2:04
Reporting for miss info
Sorry I did not see it I just got dumped by my gf on Valentine's for no reason she was like ' I found someone better ' I just said ' oh… Why tho' she just walked out, but great video

5:36 a normal german Karen
"This California is not for white people". Apparently it's not for black people either.
I apologise on the behalf of older folks. Not all of us are hating on people wanting to have fun
11:30ish White lady tears, one of the most powerful weapons ever.
10:07 She was shaking like crazy XDXDXD
there are still mask idiots outthere? morons
Sorry but theire a difference between be intelligent and be a victim.. impression of some biker lose everything when we talk a bit louder against them
You don't own the road
Carm down old man you mite have a heart attack
Your not hard get back in your car
5:20 what bikers should do all the time
4:19 another example of bikers losing their temper on a poor man with a baby and rushing to the hospital thinking screaming at them would make it better smh it’s sad sometimes
The first one I feel like the biker was in the wrong cause he chased the driver screaming curses at them thinking it was gonna help the situation
I remember when it was the kids' faults running in the road or playing where people do dangerous things. It was part of learning how to live in the world
War klar das ein deutscher Clip daraus besteht das gleich mit Polizei gedroht wird

just a note to new bikers, don't feel obligated to "call someone out" or chase them down to let them know "you almost killed me", as pretty much 100% of the time people are not paying attention, and will probably never pay attention. You just never know what person you might run into if you instigate them. It's a car world, we're living in it. Ride safe.
I was gonna watched this video until I read the comments. Thanks for the heads up
As a biker and a sport bike rider at that I catch a lot of
! But some of these bikers also bikers Ive seen in person antagonize this
out of people sometimes! It's annoying when they do that. Some just cause problems on purpose. I definitely don't ride like a saint but some of these people
4:50 bro looks like mr beast
The homie at 18:00…… come on that’s why you don’t sit directly behind people, to the side is seen better and common sense. Most will look in side mirrors before rearview.
"Get a Harley". No thanks, I got garbage cans on the curb already!
How can these freakin Karens sleep at night?
These videos keep me up at night

All I’ve realized from this video is every biker is a weak fragile person.
2:35 that guy just watching