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This is a compilation of my Daily Volume 4 Reviews! For all those people who wanted to watch them all again, but didn’t want to fill their watch history with a bunch of videos!
lol i feel like they get the super cool va's doing one episode characters cus they didn't have enough money 😂 awesome compilation ❤❤
I find it funny how you mark ghira as best dad when barely anyone in the fandom actually likes him
I really hate how they butchered Blake, she used to be my favorite, now she's up there with Yang and Jaune as the ones I can't stand the most. They way she verbally and physically beats on Sun is not only uncomfortable to watch but the fact she never apologizes is deplorable. What's worse is they could actually done something interesting with this, have her realize that what she's doing is no different than Adam, that she left her friends for fear that Adam would hurt them only to end up turning out like him, have her grapple with that and come to terms with it, but it's actually interesting so I guess they couldn't be bothered
tbh the "Qrow in a skirt" joke just feels like shitty and slightly insensitive frat boy humor that you're blowing out of proportion. It's also clearly supposed to be a Noodle Incident gag, as the audience is given zero context as to what was going on to lead to the punchline. I'm all for raking the Miles and Kerry over the coals and it's not a particularly funny joke, but I doubt transphobia was their intent there.
Like if you want actual transphobia, I was rewatching Futurama recently and the episode "Bend Her" is supremely awful in that regard. The entire conceit of that episode is "sex changes are bad" with some sexism on the side.
Am I the only one who watched Blake and Sun in this volume and thought CRWBY was going to do something interesting with Blake turning into Adam? Blake stuck by Adam, left her family to help him and his fight, only to be abused, then she allowed the abuse to be covered with excuses because she wanted to see the best in him, seeing what he could/used to be instead of what he was becoming. Sun stuck by Blake, left his team to help her and her fight, only to be abused, then he allowed the abuse to be covered with excuses because he wanted to see the best in her, seeing what she could/used to be instead of what she was becoming. I thought that would be pretty cool. Except, according to the show, somehow Blake is the good guy here.
Raven is probably the best example to employ in an argument against mystery box writing.
Don't present a mystery box if there's nothing in it yet.
id always wondered if anyone else noticed the steep dropoff in animation quality when you compare early v4 maya and the following volumes and it only gets worse in v8 and 9. ive honestly labelled it as “playdough looking” and its reassuring to know that it didn’t go unnoticed by everyone else !
I would honestly find the Qrow in a Skirt joke funny too, not because Qrow is a man presenting as male, but because he's *Qrow*, the super serious edgeboy whose theme song is literally "I'm Your Bad Luck Charm".
Jaune in a dress doesn't quite hit the same level of dissonance because Jaune is a bit of a goober in the early series. The humor comes from how much the visual doesn't match Qrow as a person.
39:18 I think you might have argued the wrong point here. The point behind the detail that all the weapons in the Nuckelavee's lair are simple ones isn't that guns would have been more effective, it's that none of the weapons are of the sort that would belong to a hunter or huntress. The implication is that Team RNJR are the first trained Grimm hunters that have encountered the Nuckelavee, the argument against which I'd suggest is that this seems ridiculous given the several year gap in time between Ren and Nora's two encounters with it.
Even with how much it seems to roam around, given that it appears to be solely responsible for the destruction of multiple rural villages, you'd think it would have been tracked down by, or even just been accidentally happened upon by (as RNJR does), some hunstman team in the interim, even if we assume Salem has had her claws in Lionheart since even back then and has been using that influence to prevent hunters from being sent after it.
I actually rewatched V4 recently and it was a lot better than I remember! Biggest criticism is how fast they go through Yang’s arc, and Blake’s treatment towards Sun and her flip flopping. Though, can’t say my V5-6 rewatch changed my opinions much…
I am liking the Blake hate (:
I’m beginning to think I turned my brain off for my rewatch…
Pretty decent volume imo. Nowhere near as bad as everyone says it is.
Unrelated to this video, but how long until we get the pitch for a RWBY tactics game?
I’ll forever be angry about how RT or the writers or whoever massacred Blake in this volume alone. How they made her so flip-floppy and violent is crazy work. It could have added depth to her growth when she overcomes these issues, but RT for some reason either forgot to have her grow out of that (I.e. apologizing to Sun, becoming more determined to fight the White Fang, wanting to see her friends to apologize for running away), they never planned for it, or they didn’t know how to go about writing her in such a way. So, the writing ended up being as flip floppy as Blake, which is such a huge shame.
It’s also crazy that Ren and Nora had the best arc, and the main four were either given jackshit or their growth was offscreen. Seriously, I would’ve love to have seen Weiss and Yang struggle with their problems, but I guess RT thought that Old Guys Making Jokes about Men in Skirts was more important.
At least this volume introduced Tyrian, who has the coolest weapon, the best fight in the Volume, and a fun personality (wish he had a cool design to top it off and didn’t look like another member of the White Fang.) The bestest character across all of RWBY, no I will not change my mind except for Ironwood before he became a “villain”. I really wished the writers gave Tyrian more interactions with the other villains, as, even with how basic he is as a regular psycho, that could still make for some interesting dialogue from the other villains who are not just psychos that enjoy killing. ESPECIALLY WITH HAZEL. What the Hecc RT???
I also liked the introduction of the villains, but I feel like there could’ve been a bit more done for it. Like, maybe this is the first time Emerald and Mercury are meeting the rest of Salem’s group, like how a majority of the audience is as well, so Cinder or Salem herself introduces them to the others, that way we know the other villains’ full names as well and we get a bit more of the others personalities, too.
Speaking of villains, real quick, I wish the Albain Brothers were cooler and left more of an impact beyond being White Fang Fodder and This Volume’s Villains. Like, their dynamic is interesting in itself, since they dress similarly and act almost the same but they’re not twins. Their designs were really cool imo, too, especially the hoods, very assassin’s creed. But, like with many characters, it’s such a shame that RT wasted them, too. And gave them one of the dumbest weapons around.
Based Rooster Teeth! 😂
I'll admit, I learned a lot about what not to do in writing. Thoughts about Oscar: in my AU idea, I would introduce him very early as a student of the administrative department of the hunter organization. He would be responsible for communications and assignments for multiple academy teams, including team RWBY. He would also be Ozpin's protoge, implying Oz's more controlling and manipulative nature.
23:42 I don't see a need for Ruby to care. It's a tail that harmed her uncle, so she took the opportunity to disarm him.
What really upset me about volume four was that they ruined Blake’s character. In the first one to three volumes, Blake was a quiet and reserved character who doesn’t talk much. Now, in season four, she’s an abusive tsundere trope and I HATE that since Blake has so much potential for being a very interesting character
5:53 maybe thats the real reason Neo is so loved lol
36:32 I think the “The last eye is blinded” line is a reference to Huginn and Muninn. They are two ravens in Norse mythology that serve under Odin, flying across the world bringing him information, being his “eyes” if you will. I believe Qrow and Raven, are supposed to reference these birds, being Ozpins eyes. Raven defecting would be the first eye being blinded and Qrow being presumed dead (from Tyrians poison) would be the last eye being blinded.
This is Roosterteeth really taking liberties with its fairy tale inspirations considering Qrow is already supposed to allude to the scarecrow.
It’s really disappointing how they massacred Blake’s character in Volume 4 because in Volume 1-3 she was a character given her involvement/past with the White Fang and although she was reserved she actually cared about her friends because she didn’t want the other girls to get involved with her past because she didn’t want them to endanger themselves with her problems but they reinsured her about being a team and then she accepted their help
36:50 the "Metal Gear Weiss" comment reminded me that I recently heard an alternative ship name for Ruby x Penny x Weiss, which is Petal Gear Weissing, which I think is funny
Part of me wishes that Oobleck and Port died defending Beacon. It felt their scene together was supposed to be their final stand, going out in a blaze of glory together. (I think it would've also been nice to not have every named character that died that Volume be a redhead. Seriously, Penny, Pyrrha, AND Roman dying within episodes of each other is insane. I think RT hates redheads lmao)
0:38 i am the opposite at least if not done well for instance i liked organisation 13 from kingdom hearts. But considering the games i was playing and had on my mind it was a really mid Crossover game called cross edge and hyperdimensional Neptunia v. the first had the most basic evil council ever with me being able to Compare at least 2 characters in RWBY to the characters in this game. And the second is a comedy series and as such makes the whole idea kind of comical. but it was mostly that all the bad guys weren't something i haven't seen before. We have wannabe azula. The murderous psycho. The honourable guy who ends up helping the heroes in the end. The strategist slash evil Tech genius. And finally the ancient evil specifically an evil sorceress all of this was want slowly turned me off. But i know there is Evil councils i enjoy but this one is just too bare bones and by the books i mean the evils councils I like either have more members or have a lot of personality and character interaction. PS I actually like the evil council from neptunia it just made me associate the trope with comedy
I would've had a Where's Wally challenge,
But with Neo.
You'd have To Keep an eye out for the Mismatched eyes.
She could be Anyone.
I Will Watch This Later As Funny Enough Yesterday Just Ended Vol 3 And Dont Want Spoilers I’m Curious As Many People Says This When The Problems For RWBY Start
Was Leo introduced this season?
Worst thing about Tyrian is his wannabe Joker personality in this volume
Day 2 asking Critter to make a 2 hour video about her ideas for a FE style RWBY Game
the joke about Crow in a skirt always makes me remember that amazing quote from M*A*S*H:
"you have a corporal in guard duty running around in a dress!"
Colonel Blake: "thank god, he has the legs for that."
Hazel and Tyrian absolutely should've had some dialogue together, especially since they would collaborate to kill all the Hunters in Mistral… off-screen, of course. You'd think that Hazel would find such things distasteful and Tyrian would have fun with it, but we never got to see it.
While you may be right about RT suddenly losing their ability to impart humor into the show, I honestly think it works as a good transition from Volume 3 to 4. After the fall of Beacon the members of the Teams AREN'T children anymore… and we see this intimated by Professor Port in Chapter 4.
And adults of course look at things alot differently than 'children'. Ie… more seriously than happy go lucky.
4:38 RWBY as a whole be like: