Whatifalthist real name Rudyard William Lynch is a well respected YouTube intellectual who had a very strange and public meltdown. in this real life Documentary we look at this in detail.
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I've been following the guy for about 2 years, and he reminds me of other brilliant young people. The knowledge is there but the wisdom is lacking
In the modern world, with its now entirely dominant leaning leftist feminist Marxist, machine dominating all the power levers of modern society. And this ‘movement’ being more about the punishment and castigation of European descendants out of some clearly Nietzschean desire to impose a penalty on the descendants of people who resemble other people from another time, and another world…
And this is the guy you seek to discredit?
Well played leftist leaning Marxist feminist, machine dominating all the power levers of modern society. You’ve certainly opened our eyes?
So the woke nonsense, the worldover that is an overcorrection, a revision brought about by militant Marxist activists to pursue personal and collective goals in their endless quest for power and control?
That’s all fine? Is it just healthy administrative government sanctioned racism?
Home school graduate.
So glad I tuned out of Whatifalthist when his content shifted towards the anti-woke doomer spiral around 2020-2021. I don't think I could've handled watching this descent in real time without losing some of my own brain cells.
It seems like his family was the product of the worst outcomes of the modern world, so when he criticized it, I tend to listen. He seems much more genuine than anyone else making the same content, but I could be wrong. I hope he finds peace and strength in his life.
No shot is he 6'4 😅
I've always been a fan of rudyard lynch. I enjoyed his history 102 stuff a lot and always found him quite knowledgeable. I'm glad he seems to be doing better now from what I heard. I wish he never did those drugs though. Obviously messed him up
The one believable part is that he is in contact with people close to the president.
This is just Chris Chan raised on NIN
Wow, I had listened to some of his stuff back a little while ago, and then sorta stopped. Back when he was doing history type stuff.
Didn't know he went batshit insane until this video.
You all need to back the fuck off. This guy is a fucking savant. I don’t like to see the guy yet all this dumb shit thrown at him. Y’all act like some apes around here. With a hive mind. This guy is trying to help you. Remember that listening is not the same as hearing.
16:12 I think he meant to say conceived XD
I guess southeast asia does not fuck around and cursed him into soy Euron Greyjoy
Ohhhh, it all makes sense now. I dropped him after his praise for the Taliban. He’s mad as a hatter.
LOL From the thumbnail I thought that the guy was Mizkif. Nvm have a nice day XD
Why do Americans say tuna fish instead of Tuna, do they think if they say tuna sandwich people will not know what they are talking about.
With the fact that he basically thought up a grape fantasy about an incel revolution then felt the need to both say he wasn't an incel and peacock about his supposed life, I gotta say, i think he's a bit of an incel loser y'all
I remembered he referenced some psychological problems previously when he was younger
The most unbelievable thing about this video about an autistic incel who has killed a god is that hes 23.
Artisinal leather, antique maps, and chinese watercolors tho? Golden… just golden. That should replace "muh lady" tips fedora as the internets go to incel dig.
I've never heard of this guy before today (I guess the algorithm just assumes I love hour-long videos about weirdos) and I'm thoroughly, completely fascinated.
Such personal disclosures ought to have been shared anywhere but publicly. I dont know if i can watch his content anymore. Its unfortunate because for such a young guy his vids are erudite and comprehensive, with a followable narrative.
TMI in a nutshell
Whatifalthist is one of those channels I once thought I'd like to get more into, but he's gone one of those annoying American accents where the intonation at the end of every sentence makes everything he says sound like a question.
It's Wodan.