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About the Author: •StrawberriesAndCream •


  1. 2022-2024 Natural disasters survivals Too many hacker when you join the sever they have hacker but there a delta user or Other Hack

  2. I saw a hacker that was making like tornadoes and at the intermission they were putting the tornadoe in the intermission area we all got flung into the air and we got the map that has the rocket ship and then the rocket ship went flying into the air at the time it was kind of funny cause I reset my avatar so I could see what was happening after I started recording and uploaded the videos on my channel

  3. i remember playing natural disaster survival with my friends.there was an exploiter who summoned meteors at all of the players including me. but i was still surviving somehow and i won (including the exploiter.)

    is this the definition of "i'm still standing after all this time"?
    edit: the hacker was flying

  4. They just downloaded some random script witch gives them hacks/exploits. You can see a scripter in almost every NDS (Natural Disaster Survival)server nowdays.

  5. Thats not hacking, they just turned the sensitivity up so they can spin fast, you git flung cause the game has colision on. Dont accuse people of hacking when you dont know

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