Jeremy Wade’s Ultimate FISH ALPHABET Challenge! | River Monsters

Jeremy Wade’s Ultimate FISH ALPHABET Challenge! | River Monsters
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Jeremy Wade caught a fish for nearly every letter of the alphabet in River Monsters. Can you suggest a fish for the missing letters?
Big thanks to @TheBasileman for the great compilation idea!

🐟 Timestamps:
00:00 – Arapaima
04:03 – Barramundi
06:14 – Candiru
09:36 – Dorado
12:19 – Electric Eel
17:07 – Flathead Catfish
21:03 – Goliath Tigerfish
29:03 – Hammerhead
29:50 – Japanese Giant Salamander
34:37 – Kaluga
38:53 – Largetooth Sawfish
43:53 – Mekong Giant Catfish
48:05 – Nile Perch
52:05 – Oceanic Whitetip Shark (We know we cheated a bit with this one)
56:47 – Payara
58:41 – Queensland Giant Grouper
01:02:24 – Red-bellied Pacu
01:06:22 – Salmon
01:11:20 – Taimen
01:15:34 – Vundu
01:19:57 – Wolffish
01:24:22 – Zander

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River Monsters is a British and American wildlife documentary television programme produced for Animal Planet by Icon Films of Bristol, United Kingdom. It is hosted by extreme angler and biologist Jeremy Wade.

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  1. Honestly thank you to the team or person that runs the River Monsters YouTube. Idk if you’ll see this but this content keeps my love for the show alive after it was sadly ended. I get all good things must come to an end but I’m happy this channel keeps posting different stuff so ppl know what an absolute legend J wade is . ❤ keep it up. Also definitely cheated w/ the O ceanic white tip lolol

  2. The Goliath Tigerfish one was oddly wholesome. At first I was sad that the mighty fish passed away, but when Jeremy brought it to the villagers that celebrated seeing it, that made my day! I wish this show never ended! 🐟

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