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About the Author: Caspersight


  1. I believe the Good Aliens live in the oceans and have been protecting us from the Bad Aliens the could definitely destroy Us all. So the only thing that makes sense is that there has to be Good Aliens protecting us and they live in the oceans.

  2. Maybe I've seen too many sci-fi movies/shows but the visitor of the terminally I'll lady looks like it has a hologram of some sort of a person above their wrist. Like they are helping the two of them connect or something…. 😅

  3. Zach if you watch closely flicks a switch at the top bit of the stand he's holding just before it retracts to the part in his hand 😛. Bullshit he don't know

  4. Yeah but they're not only watching, they're here and flying around us. But as they haven't attacked over the long time it's been happening…do you ever think that maybe there sense of time runs at a faster pace than ours?

  5. I watched this the other day…but excited to watch it with you 😊
    The lady dying…it's her special person meeting her for the next journey ❤ Fuck I've missed your reactions pml you're so loud, give me a run for my money

  6. Hey Ben, welcome back to me 😛
    I like Callum, he's so opposite you, he's calm, I love you, you're a riot!! Missed ya heaps, Happy 2025 – get ready for my psychoanalysis of your headspace 🤣

  7. I think it's kind of funny that one part of the government wants to give disclosure and to be honest with everybody and the other part of the government only wants to keep hide bogard and otherwise abuse just to retain power and money instead of letting the people evolve and come together for the betterment of humanity. We just have to do better and be better hold our official accountable.. don't let anything disappear or slide.. hypothetically just a bad fake example but what about the Epstein list and all that it just disappeared magically.. just the troll 🧌 I just wish horrible people would get the consequences they deserve. No matter how rich powerful or influentia l they are.

  8. Right they must keep this matter away from the world the people this ain't the 1st time they stopped the feed don't forget the sts space shuttle footage think of the early 90s they were shooting at 1 of the crafts and many others came in close yeah I remember having old Dean Anderson tape along with many other older tapes in the mid 90s when I studying a lot he spent his whole life savings vs the military complex over 1hundred k and won about the presence of the Extraterrestrial matter unhuh and now I'm a master teacher the military complex is the real Bosses of the United States etc and your CIA FBI etc etc had been infiltrated by the Grey's a group who is huum harsh beings Jfk and Bobby k wanted to inform you back then but it wasn't time yet Ronald Reagan was informed about the coming of Nibiru and the Crystal to get the 144k chosen few it's why they let him tell everyone world wide at the United national live TV because in case they come with force and take they're children then leave but that didn't happen the Crystal city itself was stopped by a time device of the Extraterrestrial forces because the humans here are not ready for any of that it's why that group will get the 144k chosen late night A. M hours when most are sleeping just like when the Zetas Grey's decided to take certain people abduction etc etc it was at night in most cases smart indeed it was truly a cry wolf problem your government military is at blame for that senerio there's too much to say but it's coming along I love it hahaha hahaha ❤

  9. Yeah that's probably someone she knows in the family etc etc that already has passed on yet still here I've been dealing with different beings etc in the spiritual realm it shares the same space between here as well I've seen different cities old Chinese people etc of a long time ago it's aight but there are other beings creature's etc animals u name it u r still alive obviously your spirit is the 1 and truly thing it grows along with your 3rd density body that's all u have a 3rd eye but it's deaden so you can only believe in the after life unhuh if you noticed only really the technology digital cameras etc are able to capture spiritual people your John of the revelation was shown all these things even people who are wicked even children whatever they are still here walking the earth it's where most came from anyways however some humans originally r not from here so they go back to that planet ❤

  10. This channel is one of the only real ones I keep coming back too..makes me feel more sane than most 😅. Love your content Casper keep it coming bro 😊

  11. The hospital room video with the glowing arm, …. what is the vertical glowing streak that moves, coming up from about glowing arm wrist area?

  12. Salaam (Hello) Ben hope your well,watching your vids scary and weird stuff even though u get the goose pumps u make me not to be scared coz u r well funny in your reaction.I am getting addicted to watching any of your vids I can find,lately I’ve been laughing which I haven’t done since my husband passed away due to the lock down we all had few years ago.I hav his memories,thnks for making these vids its great stuff x

  13. 19:14 – it’s the overly religious people who can’t fathom it. They believe what the bible/torah/quran says. They believe that god made us and only us, that humans are special because god made us. The existence of other races in the universe contradicts everything they’ve been indoctrinated with. It’s destroys what they’ve based their life on, what they believe happens after death. There’s many religious people in the world and their entire system of belief will be destroyed by the revelation of aliens. I mean, they get upset by the theory of evolution – imagine how upset they’ll be by the existence of aliens. (But maybe their holy books aren’t lying, it’s just been interpreted wrong – maybe the holy books have been telling us all along that we were made by another life form; maybe the aliens are our “gods”?)

  14. @caspersight: Why did you delete my comment pointing out the missing beginning in the helicopter video where an orange ORB can be seen? A strange way to deal with your followers. 🙁

  15. It's always a party to me to see Caspersight and Slapped Ham together. You two are my favorite channels about paranormal things and UFO's. The arm on the bed, the woman is also looking towards the side where the arm come from. It must be an guardian angel. Camera's see things we don't see with outr naked eye. The NASa live footage, i don;t think it's debris. The smaller light took another turn. Debris doesn't take another turn into space. And 9:00, wow THAT is HD footage at night. Is there a new technology or something? The noght vision of Caspersight is legit! Without any doubt! 🙌

  16. I have wondered if the majority of our moon landings were just a cover for the command module making continuous orbits of the moon, and spying on the dark side of the moon.

  17. It is difficult for many people to fandom the idea of intelligent life beyond humans simply because, many people are simingly alive yet so dead inside, plus not to mention ego and vanity of many of us as a species. It's a microphone stand which is telescopic and when the screw goes of, the upper part "sinks" into the lower one, slightly wider.
    About conscience and taughts, Buddha said this:
    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts and made up of our thoughts. If a man speak or act with an evil thought, suffering follows him as the wheel follows the hoof of the beast that draws the wagon…. If a man speak or act with a good thought, happiness follows him like a shadow that never leaves him."

  18. People think its so amazing that they would cut the feed but there are intelligence agencies all over the world in continuous warfare with each other even in peace time and success in these endless little games of military and political chess depends on who has what information first regarding this or that countries weak points and as soon as something becomes public knowledge in a country it becomes known to the enemies of that country so of course an unknown violation of airspace treaties (and a million other things and events and locations etc) has to be investigated prior to the details of it becoming public knowledge. all kinds of military secrets would become known to other agencies and governments the second they became public knowledge so OF COURSE THE GOVERNMENT RELIES ON SECRECY FOR NATIONAL SECURITY. Its NOT rocket science……(well…some of it is). and with respect to most of these UFO things people think the governments keeps things secret because they know what they are and what they mean but they actually keep it secret because they DON'T know what they are and mean. They have evidence but none of the meaning the isolated bits of evidence should amount to so it all gets stored away as instances of POSSIBLE threats to national security, ie secrets.

  19. The problem I have with conspiracy theories about secret societies or giant cover-ups is that if this was truly an earth-shattering secret, we would have never found out about it in the first place.
    People, when trying to keep cool secrets (or feel special by being part of an elite group) can be profoundly stupid and prone to bragging.
    So, either these are just the "secrets" of bored rich people, or stuff that science doesn’t know what to do with, so they make it seem like cool secrets so nobody takes it genuinely seriously.

  20. So I am not alone. When I was a teen first getting into all the conspiracies and what not I came to the conclusion that humanity seems like an experiment created by a higher civilization.

  21. Callum sounds like Janeway from VOYAGER!
    Rubella cut society to extinction – 70 million years ago! No Hope ever – plus we find good people of old, who fought against this Oblivion. Michael Angelo did more than you know, and 12 million children are here – NOW!
    Got a few views, 2 token subscribers, basically shadow banned – by their Spite! Elijah, Alexander, Horatio, even President Alexander Hamilton – are all ME! We created the Armageddon Factory, and if my channel was to blossom, then our new FROGGER universe would be controlled from HERE! Only got a phone, but you need me, rather than EXTINCTION. 🏛 Astral Montana lll.

  22. The drone swarm was a DHS operation – drones were armed with HGCs (Hyper Geiger Counter measuring devices) looking for a Nuclear device but I do not know if it was a test or a real Broken Arrow mission.

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