Typhoon Yagi: Severe Natural Disasters and How to Recover from the Aftermath of Super Typhoons
Super Typhoon Yagi devastated many areas, causing serious damage to people and property. In this video, we take a look back at the devastating effects of Typhoon Yagi and the difficulties faced by the community.
I will also share about post-typhoon remedial measures, from relief work, infrastructure restoration to rescue animals to ensure safety.
Stay tuned to better understand the impact of Super Typhoon Yagi and important steps in remediation.
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#dailyfarmthao #dailyfarm #thegirldigsthewell
Very skillful and hard working lady❤
Жінка ви неймовірна.але мені цікаво.ви працюєте десь щоб заробити пенсію.чи як це є у китаю?????
Buenos días🇨🇺
Señora hágale una casita de cemento a todos los corales de los animalitos empezando por los patos:
Porque si cada ves que llueva y se hunda usted tiene que correr para ayudar a los animalitos:
Hágale las casitas nuevas con buen techo para que no corran
Primera ves que entro a su canal y veo que eres muy limpia y luchadora:
La felicito
Respect her amazing hard work.❤❤❤
Awesome woman!👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Sorry for the damage you suffered. You are brave to rebuild. Seeing you prepare the mortar reminds me of when, as a child, I saw my father working, he was a mason. Good luck 🙂
I love this rain🌧🌧🌧🌧😊😊😊
Beautiful house 🏠 and your job 👌 🙌 👏 👍.
I'm sorry you lost some of your chickens 😢. You must have been thru one of those floods before as you worked with the flow of water and debris. To manage it so the clean up wasn't as bad. 👍. Good to know a guy and his truck 🚚 😊. The gate was beautiful. Blessings sister 🙏💞 and a lot of cement!
E a más trabalhadora do mundo
girl, you gotta get out of there, this place is just going to waste your time and money…😢
Tu si eres una mujer extraordinaria hola soy de Perú me encanta como trabajas eh visto como se inmunda tu casa con tus animalitos 😢😢😢😢😢 me da mucha pena recién estoy viendo tus videos dios te bendiga siempre un fuerte abrazo a la distancia de Perú
Very hardworking lady ❤❤❤❤.. Good job.dr.👍
You work so hard God bless you always stay safe 🙏 ❤️
Привет надо бы ещё курятник повыше куда-нибудь поставить чтобы кури не топились в воде😊
Wow! I am humbled by the amazing skills of this lady. Hard worker creative and smart. Good job, your property looks incredible! 👏
Meus parabéns vc e guerreira amiga ficou lindo tua casa quintal tudo cimentado amei portão
Maravilhoso trabalho. Parabéns 🇧🇷
As hecho un trabajo estraordinario 👍
I really admire you so much. Your more than a man. Your work is very good. Keep up the good job. Congrats for the job well done. God bless.
your place is located in a low area that’s why when it rains it easily flooded.
You clean up real nice after the flood. You keep your house and buildings all painted so pretty. Your a hard worker.❤😊
Девушка какая ты молодец.Робота очень тяжелая, но ты супер стараешься все преодолеть. И у тебя все получается.Пишут о том что бы вы ушли на новое место жизни,но наверное у вас тоже не очень просто взять землю и развивать там свое хозяйство.Земля ведь кому-то ппринадлежит,государству или часным лицам?
O you have painted bamboo.It looks so nice and I am sure will last for a long long time.Very good job dear.
She is not afraid of hard work
Your boy is going to grow up convinced that his mother knows how to do everything…
Todos. Estos Vietnamitas hacen lo mismo se copian historias unos de otros😢😢😢😢😢😮
I like your beautiful house.
I think you should choose a new land that is more suitable to develop your farm.❤❤❤❤❤❤
Daily Farm Thao why don’t you build a bridge at the river bed so you don’t get flood the next time 🙏🇱🇷♥️🙏🙌
cara signora Thao, seguo molto i tuoi video, mai banali, mai poco interessanti anzi molto belli e rilassanti ,quindi dopo i meritati complimenti mi permetterei di farti una domanda, vorrei sapere visto che vivi sulle belle montagne del Vietnam mi puoi dire se si trovano al nord oppure al sud o nel centro del Vietnam? è solo una curiosità, io vivo nel nord-ovest dell'Italia settentrionale a soli 7 km dal confine con la Francia e 12 km dalla prima città francese che si incontra se si va in Francia, in breve a sud c'è il mare, a nord i monti , a est l'Italia e appunto a ovest la Francia se mi rispondi ti ringrazio in anticipo, io mi chiamo luciano, ciao e auguri di buona salute a tew e al tuo bambino-
جدا جميله ورائع انت فنانه مقتدرة
Não tem como morar assim, enchentes toda vez que chove.😢
Senang main air hujan..👍
Tak ada saluran untuk buang air..
Öncelikle; geçmiş olsun. Sel, su baskını çok kötüdür. Verdiği zarar çok fazla olur.
Yeni sel, su baskınlarını önlemek için yaptığın duvar harika oldu. Demir kapı yaptırman da iyi olmuş. Yalnız o kapı su baskınında yıkılır. Tedbir için çimento torbası büyüklüğünde 8 adet içerde ve 8 adet dışarda çuvalın içine kum doldur. Yastık şeklinde olsun bu kum torbaları. Sel, su baskını olacağı zaman, önce dışardaki torbaları kapıyı koruyacak şekilde yerleştir. Aynı şeyi içerdeki kum torbaları ile yap. Böyle yaparsan, sel suları bahçene giremez.
Videonu zevkle izledim. Abone oldum ve yeni videolarını bekleyeceğim. O çocuk kim. Kardeşin mi, çocuğun mu bildirirsen sevinirim. Artık bizim kızımızsın. Türkiye'den çok sevgiler yolluyorum. 🌹♥️🇹🇷🇻🇳
Masz męża? Bo może on tylko potrafi kamerę trzymać?❤
Good work mem I like your skill ❤
Respect for this lady!!,..amazing work,..greatings from the Netherlands