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About the Author: Medical Secrets


  1. I ask you to no matter how preachy or crazy to you it may sound that you open the gospels being one of the 4 books of Matthew mark Luke or John and pray and truly have faith the size of a mustard seed and let the word of God show you the love Jesus has for you
    may God bless you

  2. i am walking on the edge
    Had quadruple bypass open heart surgery a few weeks ago
    now my blood pressure is ar a dangerous level and has been for 4 days non stop … . the doctors know but there is not much they can do i am on lots of medication . i am trying to walk in peace but i still would like to do a few things before i go

  3. I saw my body under me at age 6 when my tubes were put in my ears and my adenoids were removed. I was floating on the ceiling above my body. I remember trying to cross over to heaven. I returned to my body near the end of the surgery. I awoke in recovery and was spitting up blood and coughing. I was wheeled out in a wheelchair to the car for same day release. I had to be out of school for 2 months and be home schooled by my grandmother. It was a major surgery and a shock to my body and I should have at least had an overnight stay. I was really sick up until the surgery and the doctor told my mother I would have died within 2 weeks without receiving the surgery.

  4. Sadistic. Sick. Do you have any idea how this affects a person? The side effects that lasted for me for several months after my operation? It took me years to find out what you did to me! You'll never stick anything in my veins ever again. The real reason that you "wipe people's memory" with that anesthesia is so that they don't remember signing the waiver that excludes them from suing you for impacting their cognitive ability for the rest of their lives with your poison. 😮

  5. I remember. I spoke with my Grandfather and a couple other people. I knew 2 days in advance that I had an appointment with them. I couldn't wait for them to put me to sleep. 😊

  6. I went under for a bilateral oophorectomy and found myself somewhere else. It was amazing. Nobody believes me when I tell my story though so I don't anymore.

  7. I had my nde during a major medical emergency. It took me a while to process the entire experience. I didn't know what an NDE was until recently. I keep asking my wife if I had died or flat-lined at any point because I couldn't logically explain my experience. It was incredible.

  8. My anesthesia was just like deep sleep. I was even dreaming something. I once saw a dream where I asked: "am I dead?" "No you're not dead" he answered. I was in place outside there was green beaitiful hills and cozy houses. We were handling some kind of papers but text appeared out of nowhere.

  9. I had a bed experience where they had to cut a squammacell off my shoulder and all I remember was dark black nothing then I woke up….worst feeling ever thanks for this

  10. I hope these visions people are having are real and not just your brain pumping hormones while your subconscious comforts you. I'm terrified and sad at the concept of eternal non-existence, or the idea that those i love, animal and human, are forever gone, and we'll never meet again. I hope you're all right and there is something else when we close our eyes for the last time. But thank you to everyone who left a hopeful comment. The closest i ever got to death was being under anesthesia during surgery, and i saw nothing. No light, no loved ones, just oblivion. I'm scared and hope i make peace with the unknown or non-existence before my end.

  11. I remembered what happened when they put me to sleep, I was standing in a dark place, a void it seemed. Started yelling, is anybody here. Hello is anybody here. Then I noticed a tiny greenish color light, far away then it got bigger or closer then I woke up in recovery.

  12. But the memory doesn't have anything to do with consciousness. There are a lot of near death experiences where people are undergoing surgery and things. They die on the table and when they wake up later after being revived, they remember everything because it was a separate conscious experience.

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