Steve & Dylan return to what some people call the most demonic house in Kansas. The Garnett House Hotel has a long history of paranormal activity including numerous objects moving on camera. There is said to be a negative entity inside that some believe is a demon. Doors opening & closing on camera, dolls moving, disembodied footsteps & voices are just some of the claims from this haunted house.
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The Garnett House👇
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Great episode. Iv got goosebumps 👻👻👻👻👻
Does anyone else know the actual reality of the paranormal? The frequency bandwidth they occupy and are dialed to vibrationally speaking, and most are not unless they're a medium? Does anyone else remember being dead? Are you alive? What is the opposite of alive? What were you before you were you? Where were you before you were where are you are? Does one not ponder the if we are the dead and the dead are souls repeating lessons and actions done which has an energetic imprint upon time and space? Re-member Earth is a Radio and it has many music stations and frequencies to tune into the Uni-verse (One-Song)…
It tells us in the Bible what it is. Spirits stay when they don’t accept Jesus (the light) on that plane is also the demons. Saved souls are in heaven looking down. I believe they can interact. The problem is what is what Nobody has a clue so don’t interact at all. Or be a paranormal investigator 😂
Man I definitely wish I could join a paranormal team fr
Twin Paranormal had interactions with the exact same door 😮
100k loading
Just so you know sir, the bad lady is called so because she performed illegal abortions there, that is why spirit talker said illegal. But I lost all respect for you when you said your getting annoyed , spirits are not obligated to perform for you , YOU interact respectfully with them on their territory. I won't be watching anymore because your tactics are annoying
Your not getting the same interaction because your provoking and your rude. You don't go into a spiritual realm location and demand interactions, how arrogant of you. You do better to just walk around and feel the location and try immersion. From an inquiry point of view and respectful position. Thank you for letting us be here tonight, we only understand in part that that there were practicing doctors here was there anything illegal taking place here? You would get better interactions from that perspective than prancing around like a dominant bafoon demanding the spirits perform for you. It's just so unprofressional
Hears something on the stairs "just had a vision of something crawling up" "me too!" PARDON?! 😂
Haunted nights you are my favourite youtuber congratulations for million subscribers please pinned me because I'm your big fan and because your work very hard and awesome and amazing ❤❤😊🎉🎉🎉🎉😊🎉❤🎉🎉😊❤😊😊❤🎉🎉🎉
Around 1:07:55 ish, if you set the playback speed lower you can see the curtain over the door ripple and Dylan pans round the room.
59:36 ish the kid’s voice through the vox sounds like “He fell in the wood” which became extra creepy when that first pic popped up in seer. The one a couple before the kid’s voice, which you interpreted as “dead” sounded like “wounded” to me, so maybe related to the doctors surgery?
Awesome video! However, I had thought earlier that you guys had said that you would leave some cameras around and leave to investigate on upstairs or downstairs, but you guys never did. That made me confused after hoping to see those cameras in those rooms to watch for any doll or a ball being pushed off, or a door being opened or closed.
The cowboy room needs a hat and spurs and a laso
YASSSS 💯 thank you HN for every second of very episode ❤❤
I love the face Dylan made when Steve asked if the grinner can give a big smile
Steve bro word of advice please shut up a bit you talk TOO much there was a lot of EVP’s but you were talking way too much that I couldnt hear what the voices said man 🤬
Use headphones with volume on high to hear time stamps
15:31 evp female voice said “no sir” after Steve said “certain areas” even Steve heard it
15:55 evp after Steve said “and uh” a female voice said “Go”
16:03–16:04 wierd noise as Steve is talking
16:11 wierd noise/voice as Steve is talking (Steve you talk to much bro)
16:44 wierd deep voice talks while Steve is talking at the same time(use headphones with volume up )
18:39 squeaky noise as Steve is talking (Steve please don’t talk a lot bro Jesus)
19:10–19:11 deep voice says something as Steve is talking 🙄🙄
20:11 evp female voice
21:41 faint evp “unbelievable” female whispering voice
23:25 wierd noise throwing up sound
23:26 evp “b word I’m fat” female voice
25:47 CLEAR EVP!! “Eff you”(cuss word) female voice
26:04 CLEAR EVP!!! “Watch you get hit” female voice 😮😮😮
26:49 faint wierd noise
27:47 faint evp deep voice saying something
28:38 very very faint evp “You’re in my space” little girl voice (use headphones with volume up)
29:07– 29:08 faint evp male voice
29:21 very faint evp “can I come in” female voice from a far
29:36 29:37 faint evp creepy deep voice says something after after steve says “and uh”
32:02 faint evp “yeah” female voice
32:13 evp female moan
32:37 faint evp female voice after Dylan said name you can hear a faint voice say “no”
32:40 faint evo “Eff you” faint male voice (use headphones with volume up)
36:55 evp “hey” male voice
37:51 very faint evp “Eff you” male voice (use headphones)
I like it when you move around so I can see all the location while you investigate
48:19 listen closely sounds like a growl. 😮😮😮😮
21:29 does anyone else see something in the crack of the door, about a foot down from the hinge, and then its gone as he pans back around? May be my eyes but I swear it moves!
Missed you guys ❤
Hope you left whatever attachment you had there! great video as usual!
Bull 💩💩💩
Talk talk show the video all ready 🤬😠
Holy cow those are squeaky floors!!!!
One of my favorite spots! Heard a disembodied voice TWICE in the back corner room with Sarah
You guys need to check out the church that is connected to the underground tunnels from the garnett house.
It's the second video I've seen of you, that's why I don't know your name (man with the beard), it's very tiring to listen to you… this terrible shouting and you're very disrespectful… I find it really disappointing. If there is really something, they can read your thoughts, so you don't need to yell like that!!!🙏
Love the Garnett House! 🖤
It’s the repeated recounting of terrifying events and ending with, “so that’s fun”, for me. 💀
Would of been funny if Steve got slapped by raggedy Ann for that rude name he called her. Anyway amazing vid!
32:17 the what?! reaction. 😂
I feel like when people are calling the cops, it's something residual that happens
The owner himself is absolutely creepy.
You can see the evil in his eyes…omg 😳😳😳
1:09:39 yes, or A-Hole not sure lol
The 1st EVP Dillon, took when he went in by himself. I think the 1st evp said,” Yes, She is a very bad lady”
Is it just me or does the curtain move at 1:07:54? At first I thought it was just a weird effect from the light or something but when Dylan pans around again the same way after the DR60 session it doesn’t do it.
First glad you guys are back, missed you, second this place is terrifying, great investigation 👻🖤
Great investigation guys creepy place #TeamRewatch
Yes! Love this episode Boyz!
I think they like people with fear more
Seems a lot of sporting in there
The tall shadow seems to walk across the yard and in or through the back door at a certain time at night like a loop