Check out some of biggest crashes we’ve seen on the Freeride World Tour
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Díganme loco si quieren, pero después de este video se me antojo ir a esquiar ⛷️ 🤪🏂🤪
jeeeeezzz, cartwheeling, tumbling, cannonballing, hitting hard things. Ouch.
Top 10 crashes where the rider walked away without injury… Aymar Navarro's crash in Verbier was nasty.
How can someone lough with this??? My heart was clamped all the time i was watching this for those extreme athletes to be ok!!!
che de los mejores videos que vi mi vida, mal ahi por los que se cayeron pero espero que esten bien
“ no one was harmed “ … wtf ever that hurt me and I only watched lol
A new winter sport: extreme cartwheeling!
That can't be good!
This song makes me think of road 96 lol
I guess no one really wants to see Navarro's tragic fall again.
now i'm just wondering if that rotations are a secret tachniques to not fracture the hell out of them. My brother felt for like 1 meter and his wrist broke
men spin better
I respect the nerve, but me, I would seek my entertainment elsewhere…
And the Darwin Award goes to…
2:48 how the hell you recover from that!?!?🤔
1:48 mf was just cartwheeling down the mountain he turned it into a stunt show😂😧
lol its just like Steep
These guys and gals turned from pro skiers into Bethesda npcs in a heartbeat 😂
Why do they play with fire. So dangerous
This is what pretty much happens to me when i start a new business, or invest in the stock market whatever the results are the same unfortunately
Dude…the inverted cartwheels turned my stomach 🤢 just missing HeVY injuring by da FRACTION of a HAIR!!!!…
Wait who's dog is that rolling down the hill… Oh that's my dog
1 and 2…..Holy shit