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Not Nuke’s Top 5, it’s a top 10. But lots of ghosts and scary stuff. We’ll cover ALL sorts of scary stories of allegedly REAL paranormal activity. You’ll see apparitions, weird EVPS, ghost hunters, scary tiktok ghosts, and everything else within the creepy, spooky realm of the supernatural. Does anyone read this far? IF ya do-we got jinns scaring guys., and a shadow figure in the hall. Also a paranormal encounter witnessed by Police and Firemen. Is it all real ghost sightings? You decide.
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Top 10 SCARY Videos That Are NIGHTMARE FUEL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqCvakxhYl4
And THEN maybe try:
Top 5 Ghost Videos SO SCARY You’ll Be SHOOK
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Well, Abdullah, you invited the evil into your home. Your fault.
Anybody else think the cabin shadow looked like Micheal Meyers?
I like how Antonio goes to investigate a stranger possibly in his rental, yet never turns on the lights
2:42 I promise you I heard the voice say “Help me”
1:43 I heard the voice say “help me”
14:00 oh my lord it's a BABY learning to use it's MOTOR FUNCTIONS. YOU THINK THAT'S A GHOsT??? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
NAH YOU CAN HEAR IT!!! It’s muffled and it’s low but turn your volume up. It’s LITERALLY right before he says “we’re helping”
They better give you a good paycheck for this. I got 30 ads to watch this on my tv
Those flies are what's known as Carrion flies.
They only specifically show up when something is dead and lay what is called onstar maggots to consume the dead.
They are typically the number 1 way to find time of death of a cadaver.
Notice the large red eyes and black body.
Next comes flesh eating beetles to consume the rotted flesh
That's Michael Myers in the video Antonio uploaded 10:00 minutes in 😅
Brothas be scarier than ghost.
WHY would you invite something inside?
Why would you open the door and invite it in???! 😭😭😭 oh my gosh
Police officers are heros
When r u gonna upload another pls let it be tonight !!!
where is your video that was about restoring faith in humanity i miss it
i love nukes top 5
Damn hell of a way to start a video 😢😢
Thanks for featuring us Nukes Top 5! 👻
I remember when this happened! And you can clearly hear her! They all said it was divine intervention…
That first clip😭jeez, wasn’t expecting that😔
dont just walk in the room jessica, damn atleast knock. almost took my life