Natural Disasters and Signs of the Times

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Natural disasters, rampant deception, wars, and rumors of war – Make sure to tune in for the latest CONNECT Round Table as Amir Tsarfati, Barry Stagner, Jan Markell, and Mike Golay address the reality that we’re living in the days of the birth pangs that our Savior foretold.

Watch “CONNECT Round Table – Living in the Days of Birth Pangs”

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  1. Whoehahaha…still waiting for 7 years of tribulation ?!
    You mentioned tribulations happening right now !!!
    Separating the wheat from the chaff.
    Separating the faints from Saints.
    2022 October it started…
    ending in 2029.
    Then I-AM gathering all the Saints.
    Especially those…not being born since the "Flood of not enlightened (No-Ah)".

    DeVijs 22…YIS-YA 🙏❤️✌️💎👌🌍☝️🪞

  2. The Jews has already enough had of troubles😢. I hope this ends. But I don't believe anymore much of so called Christianity. I myself have very much problems in live and I found not many warmt in churches. Only in 1 little church of 2 people. I hope that the world awake that it is not the Jews who are the enemy. No I hope on them.

  3. Dio benedici il Tuo popolo, benedici Israele, perdoni coloro che ancora non credono in Te Gesù , e sparge su di loro il Tuo Santo Spirito… ti preghiamo tutti fratelli in Gesù. ❤❤

  4. Hello Amir. Please reevaluate 38 Ezekiel. We have the largest supply of horses here in the States. 10 million or so. Very few military saddles and tack. Few veterinary doctors and farriers. I doubt if we could field a regiment of 38 Ezekiel cavalry. The vultures in 39 are invited to drink the blood of horses and princes not tanks and helicopters. Do you realize how many chariots it would take to heat 3 million Israeli households for 7 years. Israeli stoves are gas burning not wood burning anyway. 3 mil times 7 years times 1 cord per year times 3 Egyptian style chariots per cord is 63 million chariot in General Gog's army. You need to shift your time period forward for 38 Ezekiel.

  5. Just recently when I make my comments I put because I know my figure was a Jew for one and that's what I've been putting you know that my Savior Jesus Christ you guys know that he was a Jew that's what I've been telling them yeah it's it's just really sad because the Bible's right I mean they treat the Jews like they were said they were just dead one by one it's just it's just awful what think of that home loss is just all grand when they just killed all those people and even Chuck Schumer went over there and he seen what he's seeing and didn't come back over here a couple months later and just down the Jews it's just just awful demonic and just but we have a God that we're going to go to heaven one of these days and that's what we got to look at and keep looking at God and our Savior because we look at this world I mean we're going to die anyhow we're going to die this is done our home we're born one minute and then the next minute we're dead😊

  6. These ARE the birthpangs. Not the precursor to the birth pangs. BPangs start almost imperceptibly then gradually increase in intensity and frequency. (Imo. Had 3 children.) Along with watching profetical events. Most noteworthy after Israel are political shifting alliances.The middle east on fire. Many wars not talked about on MSM, and the ability now of AI, machine learning. Where entities such as WEF put their focus. The assault on God's image via tr@ns issues. The number of @b0rted children and tr@fficked kids.)MUCH THANKS AND RESPECT TO AMIR AND GUESTS 🕊

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