NORTH Korean soldiers are brutally “executing” their wounded comrades to stop them being captured by Ukraine, according to Volodymyr Zelensky.
The Kyiv president claimed his forces had captured “several” of dictator Kim Jong-Un’s fighters – but they couldn’t be resuscitated and died.
Read more: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/32517326/north-korean-soldiers-executing-wounded-comrades/
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Meanwhile little round donut man in North Korea pretends to be a deity…and grows bigger and bigger while his people starve.
This makes me so angry and sad and frustrated… Why do we fight each other? Animals act more civilised than us humans do. And how tragic that these Korean soldiers are being sent to die for someone else's war. Just horrible.
🤣…and some foolish nations are even proud to be members of BRICS… Is this the World order they really want??
Ukrain looks very capable in defending their land.. other countries could take note
Zelensky is such a loser…)))
These people in the comments have never heard of Asians living in Russia, like Yakuts, Tuvins, etc. My Kyrgyz friend gets mistaken for a Korean all the time.
Nothing has changed since WW2. The Commisar always leads his men from the rear with a pistol to their backs..
Could be worse. They could survive and be returned to North Korea.
Nah! Nada! They are the Russian soldiers from Sibirya who are speaking grammatically perfect russian coupled with heavy accent of their own language.
Fancy place your in even gold like doors or walls in the middle of a war
Red is dead
Old School
Ayaw ko din yong batas sa North KOREA na kapag nagkamali ang one member ng family lahat ng pamiya nila ay pinaparusahan. Parang hayop lag gumagawa noon. Parang walang puso ang gumagawa niyan
Drones have turned the tide of modern warfare. China knows this.
no one give a shi* what the Junkey Zelensky says
wow. Well, that's reducing the number of soldiers who can stop the south from freeing the North.
I thought reintegrating these troops back into NK might be difficult.
Someone told me it was intended as a one way trip
I guess that person was right
This is so dang sad
Bye bye!
Cmon, now, seriously, does anyone really believe the propaganda that comes from the Sun? Smart people know it's a mouthpiece for MI6. Gimme a break mate. All rubbish following the naive British.
Zelenskyy about to catch a firing squad soon himself. He needs to stop talking tough
Look at Zelensky's eyes, he's definitely a drug addict.
Is anyone seriously falling for their lies???? 🤷🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️…don't trust a damn word this war criminal tries to sell. He is in charge of a government that is literally documented as being one of, if not the most, criminally corrupt governments in the entire world.
Not to mention the ukrainian government is also one of the most oppressive of their people.
Hogwash. Absolute nonsense.
Fighting in opium fields hmmm interesting
N.koera rat
So no footage to prove the claim?
Yes let's believe the small hat. The guy that stood on stage as a comedian but now he runs a country. Again why are North Korean soldiers in Ukraine. All I know is has nothing to do with America. Will American politicians America's small hat politicians. Americans are so stupid they'll believe anything. I'm just one that has woken up in a very long time there are still hundreds of millions of them that are asleep forever. All they care about is today Sunday football and playing with themselves and everything else. Why do you think the small hats have been in our society in our culture for the last hundred plus years.
Pár évtizede találkoztam hasonló Észak Koreai kinézetű emberekkel, valahol a Bajkál tó környékén, Kazahsztánban, Üzbegisztánban, sőt még Indiában is…Ők kb. Tibet- Nepál környékéről származtak…Találkoztam Magyarországon Dél Koreaiakkal, Japánokkal és még Egyiptomban is…..és milyen érdekes mèg máshol is lehet találkozni Észak koreaiaknak kinézetű- nem mongoloid – genetika al rendelkező emberekkel….Talán majd amikor az Univerzum,mint élő létezés bizonyítja ….mert ugye a technológia bármire képes…már pár milliárd éve, ezen a bolygón is….felnőttek már az emberiségnek nevezett fajok? Mert már itt lenne az ideje…..
I dont see any evidence its in ukraine
no one with an IQ above 80 believes this
Well how stupid are they