2 HOURS OF IRELAND GANG MURDER CASES | Ireland Crime Video Compilation

2 HOURS OF IRELAND GANG MURDER CASES | Ireland Crime Video Compilation
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Strap in for 2 hours worth of the CRAZIEST Irish crime MURDERS from the last few years 🥶

Chapters 👇

00:00 Keane Mulready-Woods: Ireland’s Worst Gangland Murder
11:36 The Life & Death of Robbie Lawlor | Ireland Crime Documentary
25:37 The Rise & Fall of Liam Byrne | Ireland Crime Documentary
44:42 The Life & Crimes of Gerry ‘The Monk’ Hutch
1:14:56 The end of the Kinahan Cartel | Ireland Crime Documentary
1:30:22 Who is Mr Flashy? Gucci Gang Kingpin 🤑💸
1:35:42 The Rise of Mr Flashy 💸 | Gucci Gang Kingpin 🤑
1:43:42 Former Gucci Gang Member Killed by His Own Crew
1:54:18 When The Kinahan Cartel Wanted Conor McGregor Dead
2:02:51 Irish Burglary Gang Flip Car In Police Chase 😱 | Ireland Gang Crime

#TrueCrime #GangWars #OrganizedCrime #IrishCrime #DrugCartel #Finglas #DublinCrime #GucciGang #KinahanCartel #GangFeud #CrimeStory #MrFlashy #crimedocumentary #guccigang #mrflashy #robbielawler #liambyrne #irelandcrime

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About the Author: Criminal Minds Uncovered


  1. Crazy hard men. Not gangstars. Gangstars dont expose themselves and go through life without detection. Dont take selfies and post them and dont walk around in JD sports wear.

    These guys are scary, hard men with no limits but they are not gangstars they jusy adjoin a group of people.

  2. Even if Keane Mulready didn’t meet up with Crosby that night, he’d have still been caught eventually. Kid was always out riding motorbikes and scramblers in the area. That made him an easy target for a shooting or anything. Sounds like Lawlor had Keane in his sights as soon as he was released in Dec 2019

  3. Robbie lawlor was a very hated man even before his action in butchering a teen lad. The day he was clipped the majority of the nation said good riddance. It was downright confusing how people like him who in the underworld were known to have bodies in the double digits werent locked away for life.

  4. 105:30 I grew up with innocent victim Trevor O'Neil. Lovely guy. Had a very hard life growing up and against all odds managed to get himself set up in a nice little life. Devastating to hear what happened to him on Youtube years later. RIP Trev.

  5. Why would you fight and then post on social media a known gang enforcer and multi murderer also a psychopath and then think you'll be safe, guys like these take every slight to them personally never mind robbing them and posting it ffs. That kids family should have just moved away somewhere probably under police protection.

  6. The biggest problem in Ireland is that the justice system is too kind to criminals. They're not afraid to break the law because there is almost no meaningful consequences.

  7. FAFO. Well, he did and found out, the hard way. Ireland as "Father Ted"would say is well and truly Fecked. And it's not the Brits doing it it's Irishmen doing it to each other. (A House Divided)

  8. Don't get me wrong, I have sympathy for the 17 year old's family but that's the problem with gang life, always somebody bigger or just a little bit crazier than you. He probably thought he was a big lad until he found himself tied to a chair being tortured. My advice, there's more to life than money & power, happiness & family are much more important & rewarding.

  9. One of the best books I've ever read was 'Badfellas' forgive me I can not remember the author cos i lost the book in a house fire. But its a detailed account of OC in Ireland from Soar Eire up to 2010.
    Healthy recommend it I do!!! Great read!

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