Top 4 UNEXPLAINED Phenomena That Will Terrify You *Compilation* | The Proof Is Out There

Top 4 UNEXPLAINED Phenomena That Will Terrify You *Compilation* | The Proof Is Out There
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Check out these 4 unexplainable phenomena, in this The Proof Is Out There compilation.


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From mysterious and supernatural occurrences, to extraordinary stories and investigations of the unknown, The UnXplained Zone is your portal to the paranormal. Follow the evidence, uncover the cover-ups, and discover what lies behind mankind’s greatest mysteries and the world’s strangest phenomenons.

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  1. the faces of the persons who received a SNAKEBITE were looking at a BRONZE SERPENT in a POLE and this is the reason for the SERPENT and MOSES is the one who made the FACE of the BRONZE SERPENT. I dont think anyone who receives a SNAKE BITE even RECOGNISES THE SERPENT that BIT THEM! Look upon the BRONZE SERPENT ON A POLE IF YOU HAVE BEEN BITTEN BY A SERPENT!

  2. The car wasn't deep enough to cause heavy pressure on the door. So it could be opened. She squeezed through the opening then there was enough pressure to close it back up.
    But let's ask our experts. 😂

  3. The photographer had been photographing the birds for SIXTY DAYS. Chances are he would see a recognizeable shape during that time. Ridiculous to think the birds planned this!

  4. I might be giving up my age, but I bought a light bulb out of a magazine when I was a kid. It ran by a battery and you just pushed on the bottom and it would light up, so…

  5. Oh yeah and there's different faces more than one so yeah that's the spirits of the people that are upset that their graves were upset. That's a woman right there last picture was a man or a woman with a child. Omg stop. . somebody's trying to tell you something and people need to listen.. ✝️

  6. Occam's razor is a problem-solving principle that states the simplest explanation is usually the best. the car door opened aided by the curentt then closed the door still a miracale though

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