I am essentially a big fan of bare knuckle boxing and underground fighting. I just want to share and make bare knuckle fight to be more familiar. The footages belong to TOP DOG Fighting Championship. I really encourage you guys to subscribe TOP DOG channel to make their channel much bigger and grow bare knuckle boxing in general. Please subscribe to TOP DOG Channel @TopDogFC
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20:11 the ultimate robbery
Does anyone know why the ref chinned that 70s pornstar
please fire this ref
1:28 And no one noticed that he came out in a BEER costume?
This man is legend!
what a robo
That one fight around 15:30 wag great,2 gentlemans right there
The referee by tko
Indonesian subtitle please
Top dag needs to fire that ref, disgusting ref and a cheat for sure the fact he didn't take a point says it all, i hope never to see him in the td ring again, if he is i wont be watching.
Is this Russian league or where is this from
This ain't 2 days old it's older
One rule of being a ref you don't put your hand on someone unless they need help. I think he sniffed to much cocaine
These guys put most of BKFC fighters to shame
As a ref, you have to be proffessional and control your emotions at all times!
Love this channel even though i can't understand but that refferee is totally unprofessional and never be working in that industry
What did Imelya say to make the ref punch him?
plain old fashioned "hood" boxing. come on, USA, drop the gay act gloves and show some real boxing! could you see Ali or Tyson doing this?
3:30 only little girls pull hair!
10.45 Goku SV Cell
This TD referee are a dumb with mental problem
20:10 those judges had a bet on the guy who look like he died later that night from this fight 😅
09:48 was crisp
What does "Dolliga" mean?! (1:20) min
Это очень дёшево было : ударить спортсмена после боя , тем более после такого .
hope to not see that Referee again.
guy had money in on that fight 100% aha.. Weak shot from ref also aha. dont care how big you are that was weak asf
I don't care what country your from if the referee puts his hands on the fighter then he needs to be fired…