Our recent rescues Echo, Lavender and Bailey are all thriving here | The Asher House

Our recent rescues Echo, Lavender and Bailey are all thriving here | The Asher House
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  1. Lee you are proud of them. We are all so proud of you! You put so much effort into all the doggos and treat them all the same. What a fantastic life you give them. Thanks for being so caring and saving so many dogs. 😊❤

  2. I love how all the dogs look so pleased with themselves when Lee singles them out for a Pat or cuddle. They all just love and live for that guy.

  3. The pack is growing !! Thanks Lee for caring and sharing 🙏🙏🙏🙏 !! All animals need that special type of care ! It's called love and respect ! Love wins again and again !

  4. Hey! Just wanted to share that my visually impaired dog benefits greatly from the Carhartt jackets in our neck of the woods. He likes to be leash free on our property and moves slowly enough not to really hurt himself, but I got real tired of picking blackberry thorns out of his chest area. I don't think they even bothered him, they were bothering ME lol. Love to your whole fam.

  5. When a pack walk is as big as 100 dogs or even 20, how do u make sure no one is left behind? i know that's a silly question, but also, is the property fenced in? I love to see all the dogs happy. Thank you for all you do for them.

  6. Oh Siri your video on echo that’s a pretty doll I missed a couple souls of yours but I’m sorry I was busy packing up some stuff that I needed to pack up before I move but I’m back watch your videos you do a very good job keep at it I love your souls compress you

  7. The time has come. Daniel, Wyoming has yet to give justice for Thea the wolf cub who had been brutally tortured by the monster known as Cody Roberts. Who was only given a slap on the wrist for his inhuman crimes. This cannot go on any longer. And since the law is allowing animal abusers to get away with their horrific acts, it is time that animal lovers take matters into our own hands. Turn your backs on Wyoming until they ensure that animal abusers are given proper punishments for their crimes. Demand to government officials that better animal protection laws be placed. Remember Thea and that her life mattered. We mustn’t allow anymore abusers get away with their horrific acts. Make a stand! Take action! Be a Wildlife Warrior!

  8. omg the little fur tuffs on Echo's backside gives her such a cute little wiggle hehe ..Lavender walks so stern and proud like she's been with the pack forever! And Oh My! Bailey? I just love her, so hyper but so loveable 🥰😍

  9. Lee you are an amazing man. I have wished for a long time to win the lottery to set up a center like yours, as I cannot even imagine being neglected or an abused dog or left by your owner after all the love you give but get awful things in return

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