Witness the precious arrival of Bernese mountain dog puppies | Too Cute! | Animal Planet

Witness the precious arrival of Bernese mountain dog puppies | Too Cute! | Animal Planet
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  1. We picked up ours from a farm in Emental. Simply stunning setting and the best dogs we’ve ever had. If you want them to live much longer lives don’t let vets give them insecticides, we didn’t and they are 12 and still going strong, most get cancers about 8 yrs or earlier. A properly groomed dog very rarely picks up fleas and ticks are best removed by hand anyway.

  2. Lucky momma having her puppies and living on a farm, with lots of freedom to enjoy, and hopefully being loved and cared for by her family. Beautiful dog!!! 👍♥️🌟🐾🐾🍀

  3. Hi, swiss person here from Bern: Bernese Mountain gods are traditionally used as guard dogs to a farm and to pull small waggons wirh milk cans or produce. Not for herding 😉 They are way too slow and good natured for herding. For that, the people of Switzerlands Bernese mountains use the somewhat smaller, leaner Appenzeller Sennenhund or German Shepherd dogs.

  4. So cute… Like The Patou in Fance : they keep the 🐑 !!! Against Woolves and Bears (there is no need to killed them all….😢)
    Good Doggies !!!😢❤!

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